MoverMatch: How to Retain Your Moving Customers

Many brands focus exclusively on customer acquisition, but customer retention cannot afford to be ignored.

Did you know that 90% of new movers are willing to try new brands? What are you doing to maintain their loyalty?

With MoverMatch, you’ll know if your customers are moving before they move so you can retain them at their new locations.

Using your CRM data, Porch Group Media or your 3rd partner match partner will identify your customers who are potential and verified movers so you can deploy new mover marketing campaigns to retain their business.

MoverMatch Case Study

Home Improvement Retailer Uses MoverMatch to Expand and Monetize Its Premover Audience

  • Delivered premover audience lift of 45%
  • Client received the moving signal a month earlier than normal in 35% of the cases
  • MoverMatch audiences outperformed client audiences in digital marketing
  • 14% of the MoverMatch audience purchased from the client

Request More Info

Want to learn more about how MoverMatch can help you retain your moving customers? Contact us or fill out this form for more information.

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