
Kristin Jones
customer experience strategies
Today’s shoppers have many choices and customer expectations for seamless, personalized interactions with brands are higher than ever. As a result, your brand must prioritize the customer experience (CX) and strive to exceed expectations at every touchpoint. Why the Customer Experience Matters Customer experience encompasses every interaction a customer has with your brand. A...
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audience segmentation guide
Reaching your audience with a one-size-fits-all approach is simply not effective. Today’s consumers demand personalized outreach and targeted communications. The key to providing this type of personalization lies in audience segmentation. What is Audience Segmentation? Audience segmentation involves dividing a broad target audience into smaller, more manageable groups of consumers based on specific criteria....
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audience segmentation
Today’s digital world is noisy and cluttered, making it difficult for your message to stand out. And with the average person being exposed to 4,000 to 10,000 ads per day, you can’t afford to take a one-size-fits-all approach. This is where audience segmentation comes into play—a powerful strategy that divides your target audience into...
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trigger marketing
Trigger marketing is a powerful tool for capturing attention, fostering brand loyalty, and boosting conversions. In this article, you will learn about what trigger marketing is, the different types of marketing triggers, the benefits of trigger marketing, best practices, and more. What is Trigger Marketing? Trigger marketing delivers relevant and timely messages to customers...
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dos donts social media advertising
Social media advertising is a powerful tool for reaching your target audience and driving conversions. However, it’s essential to understand the dos and don’ts of social media advertising to deploy successful campaigns. Read on to learn about the dos and don’ts of social media advertising to create effective campaigns that reach your audience, drive...
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what is email appending
An email address is required for pretty much everything online – shopping, banking, social media, apps, rewards programs, work, etc. As a result, U.S. consumers have an average of two email addresses: a primary email address that is regularly checked for important notices, and a secondary email address that they will check on occasion....
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Cookie deprecation is a hot topic in 2024. For several years, marketers have relied on cookies to track users across the web, letting them target specific demographics and interests. But with the demise of cookies right around the corner, this data will no longer be readily available, forcing marketers to rethink their data strategies and...
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data driven marketing statistics
Data is the foundation of successful marketing, empowering you to truly understand and engage with your target audience to accommodate their needs, preferences, and behaviors. Today’s advertising landscape is crowded, noisy, and fiercely competitive. Between information overload and an array of options to choose from, capturing customer attention requires a strategic, personalized approach – one...
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contextual advertising
Cookie deprecation and privacy regulations are reshaping the advertising landscape. As a result, marketers are focusing on new strategies, such as contextual advertising. In this article, we will cover what exactly contextual advertising is, how it works, the benefits it provides advertisers and consumers, and its significance in a cookieless world. What is Contextual Advertising?...
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new years resolutions for cmos
As we approach 2024, CMOs are gearing up for fresh challenges and opportunities. In the coming year, staying ahead requires not just adaptability but also strategic foresight. Here are five New Year’s resolutions for CMOs to ensure a successful and innovative year ahead. 1. Clean up your database Did you know that marketing databases...
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