Only One in Five Companies Has a Well-Defined Mobile Strategy in Place

Mobile is an integral aspect of every successful business. Connected consumers can’t get enough mobile screen time and this trend is only growing.  According to Deloitte research, almost 80% of global consumers have smartphones, nearly 10% own wearables, more than 50% have tablets, and 7% own all three. Additionally, 93% of the consumers in emerging markets and 78% in developed markets look at their phone within an hour or less of waking up.

The message is quite clear – mobile has fundamentally changed our everyday habits, behaviors, and the way we connect with the world.  Yet according to a recent report by Adobe and eConsultancy, “only 20% of companies and 11% of agencies have a defined mobile strategy that stretches out at least 12 months.”

Mobile Marketing

The Challenges to Mobile Success

When asked about the main barriers to optimizing mobile strategies, survey respondents cited the two main challenges as lack of resources (including budget and staff) and lack of knowledge or understanding within the organization. Companies are acknowledging the need to become a mobile-first organization, and in response, 60% of respondents said they planned to invest more in mobile in 2016.

Mobile Marketing Challenges

Revenues are on the Rise from Mobile Commerce

Desktop is still a popular option for consumers making purchases online but mobile commerce is quickly on the rise.  Many brands originally designed mobile sites as a quick way for consumers to make purchases, with little thought to design or user experience.  As consumers voiced their complaints about slow-loading sites, missing details such as product or stock information, or other factors affecting the mobile experience, brands paid more attention to mobile design to provide a consistent cross-device experience.  With better mobile design and the integration of features such as mobile payments, m-commerce revenues are steadily increasing. Companies without a defined mobile strategy are far more likely to have fewer sales – 10% fewer – than companies with a strategy, according to the research findings.

Mobile Marketing Revenue

Mobile is Vital to the Omnichannel Experience

Like any channel, mobile should not be viewed as a stand-alone marketing channel but as part of the overall omnichannel customer experience and journey.  As consumers move from channel to channel and device to device, each touchpoint should be optimized to facilitate a seamless journey to purchase.  Any channel which isn’t optimized along the overall path to purchase can cause consumers to quickly abandon your brand in favor of one that is able to provide the connected and personalized experiences they are seeking.

Mobile Marketing Strategy

A good case in point is based on recent research by customer experience (CX) optimization leader InMoment. According to the research, consumers spend twice as much in-store when they receive assistance from a retail sales associate and 2.2 times more when they visit the brand’s website in-store. The report found that a consumer’s average single-trip spend increases nearly four times when engaged by both in-store staff and the brand’s website.  By leveraging the strengths of each channel (in this case, mobile websites and personal engagement with sales associates), brands can greatly increase conversions and brand loyalty.

Learn how Porch Group Media can help you get to know your customers better and reach them across channels to boost your marketing success. Contact us to get started!

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