[on-demand webinar] Trends in Marketing Personalization

[on-demand webinar] Trends in Marketing Personalization

Brands must continually press forward to deliver the personalization consumers crave. In this 30-min webinar, Porch Group Media explores strategies and tactics to help you keep pace with today’s in-demand consumers.

Topics include:

  • Statistics and research proving the importance and ROI of personalized marketing
  • How to integrate CRM data, third party data and purchase intent insights to create a highly comprehensive 360-degree customer view
  • An overview of how to use a Customer Data Platform to deliver personalized campaigns on the fly
  • How to use customer journeys across channels to seamlessly deliver integrated experiences

Watch the Webinar Below

Questions or interested in learning how Porch Group Media can help boost your acquisition and retention efforts through personalized communications? Call 1-833-812-4636 or email us at info@porchgroupmedia.com.

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