What New Mover Data Says About Millennial New Movers’ Shopping Behavior

New movers are a lucrative audience, in-market to purchase a variety of goods and services. The New Mover Trends Report by Porch Group Media, conducted by The Harris Poll, unveiled several profound insights on millennial new movers.

Now, with the influx of millennials entering the homebuying market, our data showcases when millennial new movers are making purchases, how much they’re spending, what’s enticing them to try new brands and more.

12 Millennial New Mover Shopping Behavior Statistics

Check out the latest millennial new mover statistics to better understand this generation’s spending habits throughout the moving journey and how it compares to the total population of new movers.

1. When asked, “How many months before your most recent move did you start researching each of the following: mortgage, home insurance, home inspection, moving services?”

service research timing millennial new movers
service research timing total new movers

Millennial vs Total: Whether or Not Research was Conducted for Services

whether or not research for services was conducted millennials
Source: New Mover Trends Report
whether or not research was conducted for services among millennial new movers
Source: New Mover Trends Report

2. When asked, “Which of the following items did you/do you anticipate you will purchase within the first 12 months of moving?”

  • 47% said furniture/home décor
  • 50% said TV
  • 46% said appliances
  • 39% said home improvement repair and supplies
  • 31% said pet supplies
  • 35% said flooring
  • 34% said landscaping/lawn equipment
  • 29% said automobile repair/maintenance
  • 30% said windows
  • 28% said fitness products or gym membership
  • 22% said solar
  • 4% said none

Millennial vs Total: Anticipated Items to Purchase in the First 12 Months

millennial vs total purchase items within first twelve months
Source: New Mover Trends Report

3. When asked, “What services did you/do you anticipate finding a provider for within the first 12 months of moving?”

  • 51% said internet
  • 41% said utilities
  • 35% said home security
  • 29% said doctor/dentist
  • 30% said home remodeling/repair services
  • 26% said financial services/banking
  • 28% said landscaping/lawncare maintenance
  • 25% said flooring installation
  • 27% said home warranty
  • 26% said solar installation
  • 25% said windows installation
  • 20% said roof installation
  • 15% said veterinarian
  • 9% said none

Millennial vs Total: Anticipated Services to Find a Provider for Within the First 12 Months of Moving

millennial vs total finding service providers within the first 12 months
Source: New Mover Trends Report

4. When asked, “How much money do you estimate you spent/will spend on the following items that you purchased/will purchase within the first 12 months of moving in total?”

Millennial new movers said they spent/plan to spend an average of…

  • $10, 329 on automobile
  • $1,946 on furniture/home décor
  • $1,593 on solar panels
  • $1,177 on home improvement repair and supplies
  • $1,429 on windows
  • $1,605 on flooring
  • $1,149 on appliances
  • $956 on landscaping and lawn equipment
  • $573 on TV
  • $490 on automobile repair/maintenance
  • $341 on fitness products or gym membership
  • $291 on pet supplies (e.g., bedding, food)

Millennial vs Total: Average Estimated Amount Spent on Items

average estimated amount spent on items
Source: New Mover Trends Report

5. When asked, “How much money do you estimate you spent/will spend on each of the following type(s) of services you found/will find a provider for within the first 12 months of moving in total?”

Millennial new movers said they spent/plan to spend an average of…

  • $961 on solar installation
  • $1,470 on home remodeling & repair services
  • $1,064 on flooring installation
  • $731 on home security
  • $760 on windows installation
  • $799 on roof installation
  • $403 on home insurance
  • $849 on home warranty
  • $371 on home inspection
  • $484 on landscaping/lawncare maintenance
  • $245 on internet

Millennial vs Total: Average Estimated Amount Spent on Services

Source: New Mover Trends Report

6. When asked, “For each of the following type(s) of items you purchased within the first 12 months of moving, when did you actually purchase each type of item?”

timing change service providers millennials new movers
Source: New Mover Trends Report
Source: New Mover Trends Report

7. When asked, “For each of the following type(s) of services you found a provider for within the first 12 months of moving, when did you actually change providers for each type of service?”

Source: New Mover Trends Report

Millennial vs. Total: Timing of Item Purchases/Finding Service Providers

8. When asked, “Which of the following home improvement projects are you doing/planning to do or have already done in your new home? Please select all that apply.”

  • 41% said painting
  • 37% said redecorating
  • 39% said kitchen remodeling
  • 34% said landscaping
  • 37% said bathroom modeling
  • 32% said update flooring
  • 32% said adding a deck/patio
  • 30% said expanding a living space
  • 28% said installing a pool/hot tub

Millennial vs. Total: Home Improvement Projects Planned

home improvement projects millennial new movers
Source: New Mover Trends Report
home improvement millennial statistic

9. When asked, “Which of the following methods do you use to research the type(s) of businesses/items you may purchase from/purchase? Please select all that apply.”

  • 46% said online research
  • 43% said online customer reviews
  • 33% said recommendations from family, friends, and neighbors
  • 31% said visit the store to ask about certain items
  • 32% said online ads
  • 26% said information received by email
  • 27% said local forums/groups (e.g., NextDoor, Facebook)
  • 24% said information received by mail

Millennials vs Total: Research Methods

new mover research method
Source: New Mover Trends Report

10. When asked, “Which of the following would entice you to try a new brand? Please select all that apply.

  • 52% said good reviews
  • 49% said better prices than other brands of the same industry
  • 43% said recommendations from family/friends/neighbors
  • 39% said discounts/coupons available
  • 37% said “brand contacted me directly with a company advertisement.”

Millennials vs Total: Enticements to Try a New Brand

enticement to try new brands
Source: New Mover Trends Report

11. When asked, “Which of the following types of items would you be most likely to try a new brand/company? Please select all that apply.”

  • 37% said furniture/home décor
  • 33% said TV
  • 34% said appliances
  • 34% said home improvement & repair supplies (e.g., wood, caulk, paint)
  • 26% said pet supplies (e.g., bedding, food)
  • 24% said fitness products or gym membership
  • 23% said flooring (e.g., carpet, tile, wood)
  • 26% said landscaping/lawn equipment (e.g., mower, plants, grass seed)
  • 22% said automobile
  • 21% said automobile repair/maintenance
  • 24% said windows
  • 21% said solar panels
  • 8% said none

Millennial vs. Total: Items New Movers Most Likely to Try a New/Brand Company From

millennial new movers willingness to try new brands
Source: New Mover Trends Report

12. When asked, “Which of the following types of services would you be most likely to try a new provider/company? Please select all that apply.

  • 38% said internet
  • 24% said home insurance
  • 24% said moving services
  • 21% said doctor/dentist
  • 22% said home security
  • 18% said home remodeling & repair services
  • 22% said financial services/banking
  • 17% said flooring installation
  • 19% said home warranty
  • 20% said home inspection
  • 20% said mortgage
  • 20% said window installation
  • 18% said landscaping/lawncare maintenance
  • 18% said solar installation
  • 18% said roof installation
  • 11% said none

Millennial vs. Total: Services New Movers Most Likely to Try New Brand/Company From

Source: New Mover Trends Report
new service providers

Research Methodology

The New Movers Survey was conducted online by The Harris Poll on behalf of Porch Group Media and Porch, between July 7th – 16th, 2021 among 1,006 adults ages 18+ in the US who have moved in the past 12 months and/or are planning to move in the next 3 months. Raw data were statistically weighted where necessary by age by gender, race/ethnicity, region, education, income, size of household, marital status, and employment status to bring them in line with their actual proportions in the population.

Sample Size: 1,006 US adults who have moved in the past 12 months and/or are planning to move in the next 3 months – of which 487 are Millennials (i.e., age 25-40)

New Mover Marketing Success Kit

Interested in exploring more of the latest insights on new movers? Our New Mover Marketing Success Kit gives you access to some of our most informative resources on new mover marketing trends, strategies, and tactics. The most convenient way to research, this success kit contains topic-focused blogs, webinars, and case studies – all with one download.

new mover marketing success kit thumbnail

Learn how Porch Group Media can help you get to know your customers better and reach them across channels to boost your marketing success. Contact us to get started!

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