How Porch Group Media and Strategus are Bringing Affordable CTV Advertising to Small and Medium Sized Businesses

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*This content has been adapted from our full-length Movers and Shakers podcast, Position Your Business For The Future: The Rise Of CTV.


There is so much going on in CTV. It’s a rapidly evolving media channel. I love CTV, and what it’s doing for marketing teams, media plans, and businesses because now small and medium-sized businesses also have the flexibility and affordability to leverage TV media.

Tell us about Strategus and this exciting new partnership you have with Porch Group Media.


You just hit on a really important theme that I think will come up a lot during our discussion here which is the local nature of CTV. The evolution of digital media always moves towards being localized, personalized and results-driven.

And the one medium that’s been left out of that up until now has been television. And so the key thing is that CTV is still in its early stage. But the combination with retail media networks is really going to accelerate progress over the next few years, which is why everyone’s projecting such big numbers for both.

But as the use of CTV matures, it’s going to become more and more localized and personalized and results-driven, which is great for small businesses as you said. Strategus is doing a lot in that space already. Those who are our main customers are, which puts us at the forefront of CTV evolution.

Strategus is a pioneer in CTV and leveraging really targeted CTV campaigns. Our big claim to fame is we ran the first programmatic CTV campaign ever which surprises a lot of people. You’d think it would have been one of the bigger agencies, or somebody, but it actually was us. We did it in 2015 and that’s important – for almost eight years, we’ve been developing a CTV ecosystem.

We don’t have any proprietary technology. What we have is this ecosystem built around CTV. So think of it almost like a coral reef that just keeps regenerating itself. And what we do is swap out the best performing parts.

Sometimes something will be using one part and other part will be better and we’ll swap it out. So, we’re always at the forefront of creating value for advertisers through CTV.

As mentioned there and it’s on the slide, we’re really good at localized, personalized results, driven executions and providing a fully managed service. We do the strategy and planning. We create the audiences, and we will kick off the campaigns. We optimize daily, quite often, but certainly weekly.

We provide very accurate reporting on a number of fronts. Each dashboard is customized for each campaign. And then at the end, we provide insights and recommendations which is really key because as you’ll see in the case study, we talk about how to optimize performance and in anything you measure, you can improve. So, we’re measuring all the key KPIs and improving them as we go.

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Download the Connected TV Success Kit to learn what exactly CTV is, how it works, the benefits of advertising on this channel, and how to set up your campaigns for success with the latest tips and strategies.

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