Email Marketing Tips, Tricks and Ways to Win in Crowded Inboxes

Email continues to be a top channel for marketers to boost customer acquisition and retention. Learn how to optimize your email marketing strategies.

The Mobile Revolution

Like almost all things, smartphones have revolutionized the way we do email.

While we know that open rates are on the rise, we are also seeing:

  • A 33% reduction in click-through rates
  • A staggering 75% reduction in click-to-conversion rates
  • A surprising 35% reduction in email revisits

As a result, we need to change the way we view email sends today

  • Not surprisingly, device usage varies by time of day
  • Understanding how device migration occurs can:
    • Result in a greater chance that consumers will be on a desktop computer when the email is deployed
    • More importantly, increase conversion rates and email revisit – all driving email performance

Succeeding in an Increasingly Mobile World

Marketers need to develop the concept of device of receipt.

  • Leverage a device-of-open pixel to track consumer interactions
  • Assess device-of-open activity to a consumer
  • Ultimately, build a device-of-receipt profile

Leverage the device-of-receipt profile to target consumers on the right device at the right time.

  • Optimize creative
  • Avoid deploying at the extreme points in the day
  • Leverage the device-of-receipt profile and target consumers on the desired device

Use a concerted re-targeting program specific to mobile interactions.

Smartphones have created classes of email interactions that require a new set of marketing approaches.

How to Engage Consumers

Understanding HOW consumers engage with campaigns is as important as understanding WHEN.

It is generally accepted knowledge that:

  • 65% of all consumers interactions with an email come with the first 24 hours
    • But how quickly?
    • And how does the initial response affect the performance of the campaign?
  • After 48 hours, the email effectively becomes “dead”
  • Marketers need the ability to target consumers more personally

Given the above, clients approach email with some very specific questions:

  • What is the ideal time to deploy campaigns?
  • What are the typical open patterns of consumers?
  • How can we get a better perspective on our consumer data?

The Importance of First Impressions

The Cost of Traditional Thinking

Maximizing Engagement is Not Just About Good Content

Leveraging consumer-provided information to formulate ideal deployment times can revolutionize deployment.

  • Ideal deployment times are easily formulated
    • Leverage consumers’ historical open/click data
    • And optimize for desired action (i.e. click or open)
  • Utilizing consumer-provided data is resulting in:
    • 4-8% lifts in open rates and
    • 10-17% lifts in click rates

Moreover, leveraging third-party data can ensure that:

  • Marketers minimize the effect of in-house biasing
  • Marketers get a fuller understanding of how their consumers behave, earlier
  • Marketers can take the right actions to eliminate conditional disengagement

Leveraging consumers’ actions are the only way to achieve true personalization.

For more great tips and tactics on how to succeed with email marketing, download our Email Marketing Success Kit.

Email Marketing Success Kit

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