
Larisa Bedgood
Inbound Phone Leads for Dealerships
A survey recently released by CallSource revealed a massive spike in inbound phone calls to car dealerships within the last year. With today’s consumers using their smartphones throughout the car purchase journey, many consumers prefer to pick up their phone as compared to filling out a web form or sending an email. However, one third...
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Connected Car Consumers
It’s the age old question of, “What came first, the chicken or the egg?” Except now the question is, “What came first, the connected car or the connected consumer?” Some argue that consumers are evolving as a reaction to the evolution of technology. That after becoming accustomed to having the world at our fingertips we...
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Direct Mail Automotive Campaigns
“Direct Mail is not dead!” Screams the mail-house from the mountain top. But they might just be right- especially when it comes to automotive campaigns. A Canada Post and True Impact Marketing study  found that consumers who receive offline direct mail ads were able to recall what they saw 75% of the time, whereas those...
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Dealership Customer Experience
For years, the most successful automotive dealerships in town were those who offered the lowest prices. However, long gone are the days where price slashing won the deal. Auto dealerships can no longer compete on price alone in an age where customer experience has become the new competitive commodity and consumers have the luxury of...
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Dealership Reviews Online
Did you know that car shoppers are 90% more likely to visit your website and 5.3 more likely to visit your dealership if you have positive dealership reviews online? The study, conducted by DealerRater and Dataium, clearly reveals that dealer reviews have a strong impact on shopper behaviors.
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Car Shoppers Prefer the Digital Path to Purchase
Today’s car shoppers are in control. With the availability of more channels on which to research, they are willing to commit the effort required to make informed purchasing decisions. However, not all sources are created equal. C+R conducted research, asking consumers about 24 different sources they use when making a purchase decision.
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Email Marketing for Retail
Although email has been around for 20+ years, it continues to be one of the most successful strategies for retail marketers. In fact, email marketing is the 2nd most effective ecommerce marketing channel, second only to search. With the advancement in technology and the proliferation of so much data, never before have retailers had such...
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Retail for the Generations: How to Market to Baby Boomers, Gen X and the Millennials
Various demographics and generations have different shopping habits. Generational marketing is a way to segment the population as a unique strategy to target different age groups. Up until recently, retailers have been heavily focused on marketing to baby boomers. In fact, 4 out of 5 retailers attribute 50% of their sales to baby boomers. But...
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