
Kristin Jones
home improvement industry trends
Home improvement projects enable homeowners to customize and increase the value of their homes. Whether homeowners are getting ready to sell their homes, just recently moved into new homes, or have been living at their homes for several years – home improvement tasks become a priority sooner than later. Looking at the statistics and trends,...
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2021 moving trends
COVID-19 had a huge impact on moving trends in 2020, but how has 2021 been measuring up? Looking at the statistics, 2021 appears to be the year for unprecedented moving trends. With the increase in remote work opportunities, rising rent rates, all-time-low mortgage rates, and the desire to leave densely populated states for a more...
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how technology is changing the home buying process
The digital era has changed almost every aspect of our lives, including the way we buy homes. The time and effort saved using the internet is something today’s consumers heavily rely on. Fortunately for new movers, it’s never been easier than it is today to search for and buy a home online. With the plethora...
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Benefits Data Science Provides Mover Marketing
Understanding your audience is critical to the success of your mover marketing campaigns. Using your CRM and other first-party data sources allows your organization to pinpoint your ideal consumers’ contact information and shopping behavior. But even the best 1st party data analysis is unable to do one very important thing – predict in-market intent. That’s...
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Simplifying Moving Home Improving for Consumers
Complicated and downright overwhelming at times – moving is reported to be one of the most stressful life events. Extensive researching, planning, and decision making are all involved when it comes to moving and home improvement. Fortunately, today’s consumers have technology and resources at their fingertips to help make moving and managing home improvement projects...
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