Porch Group Media Consistently Recognized for Highly Accurate Data by Truthset

Porch Group Media (PGM) is extremely proud to announce that we were ranked high among our peers for data accuracy in key categories by data intelligence company Truthset in their Q1 2024 Data Quality Truthscore™ Report.

PGM received top rankings compared to other industry providers in the categories of: 

  • HHI: $0 to less than $50k
  • Renter
  • Language Spoken Overall
  • Language Spoken: Spanish
  • Military Status Overall
  • Military Status: Served
  • Car Owner
  • Owns a Luxury Car
  • Owns a Non-Luxury Car
  • Car Manufacturer Overall

Truthset measures the accuracy of record-level consumer data so that companies can make more informed decisions to produce better business outcomes.

Truthset assigns vendor’s attributes a Truthscore™ Index, which is a measure of a single provider’s overall data quality within a given attribute segment, relative to the entire cohort of data providers for the same segment.

This intelligence provides marketers with knowledge from an independent third party regarding the accuracy of consumer data sets available in the market and enables buyers and sellers of data to transact with more confidence and transparency.

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