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*This content has been adapted from our full-length Movers and Shakers podcast, Kickstart Your Email Marketing in 2023


These are some pretty strong stats related to email marketing. Tell us about these stats and what you’re seeing.

  • 99% of consumers check their email every day. – OptinMonster
  • 138% more is spent by consumers who purchase products through email, compared to those that don’t receive email offers. – Digital Strike
  • 122% is the median email marketing ROI. That’s 4x than any other digital channel. – Digital Strike
  • $11B is the estimated email marketing revenue for 2023. – HubSpot


They speak to the fact that, contrary to some opinions, that email is still alive and well. Many of us have more than one email address and we use different emails for different things.

Maybe you use different emails for example when interacting with a brand that you are a customer of versus brands that you aren’t yet truly familiar with but maybe their products and services are of interest.

Email is a great channel to actually make a sale or influence a sale or purchase. So again, it depends upon how people are interacting with the channel at the time.

I’m a big fan of being your own best barometer.  Think about how you act in each channel.  When you’re looking through emails, are you interested in new things? What types of value propositions get your attention? When you’re on social media, how do you react to ads there? If you receive a piece of direct mail, how do you react to that? Or if you see a display ad while you’re shopping online, what’s your interaction with that?

Email offers an open gate and when you’re in an email, you can click through, you can learn information, and you can make a purchase immediately.

And most times, when you’re in an email, you’re probably following other orders you’ve made, or you’re looking for discounts or coupons or new information.

So, it really does give you the opportunity to make sure that you are giving a consumer every opportunity to interact with you.

Download the Email Marketing Best Practices Guide

Ready to boost the success of your email marketing campaigns? Our Email Marketing Best Practices Guide outlines standard best practices that enhance email communications, including recommendations to ensure your emails stand out in crowded inboxes and generate ROI. 

Email Marketing Best Practices

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