Mover Marketing Challenge #1: Accessing Data

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Podcast Guest Speaker: Luci Rainey

Luci Rainey, former SVP of Marketing at PODS and Comcast, joins us to offer her insights and real-world experience on how to overcome the challenges of mover marketing and leverage your program to its full potential.

*The following content has been adapted from Porch Group Media’s Movers and Shakers Podcast

Challenge #1: Accessing Data

Luci:  As you know, data is everything. Most marketing efforts, strategies, campaigns, and initiatives, start with data. What is the data telling us? What are the insights? How do we make those insights actionable? 

When people think of mover marketing, and I’ve had a couple of people say this to me recently, they often think of direct mail. “Oh, that’s old school. I don’t do direct mail anymore.”

However, it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Mover marketing is much more sophisticated than that today and is about accessing the data and getting the right data to really predict movers.

It’s now as “new school” as can be. This is really a digital effort now. Sure, direct mail is important and you’re still getting those credit card offers in the mail and other types of catalogs and offers in the mail. I know I got coupons when I moved. But if you can access the right data that makes the right prediction about movers, it can become very powerful for you.

On top of that, if you can also find a data product that helps you leverage intent and signals, you can get even more accurate.

In my previous career roles, my goal was to figure out which of my customers were about to move and how do I market to them so I can retain them so they don’t go to my competitor. How do I make it easy for them to move with me.

And it’s not just the obvious businesses that should be using mover marketing. In my former life, I was in the cable industry. However, I was really surprised to see in Porch Group Media’s research that automotive was also an industry that should be marketing to movers. A little more intuitive is insurance and the home improvement industry.

But there are many business verticals that should be looking at movers as a segment. If you map your customer journey, you will see that. The place to start is to figure out, how do I reach those movers and really access the data.

Up Next: Mover Marketing Challenge #2: Making Data Actionable

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The 2022 Marketer’s Perspective on Mover Marketing

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