Top 5 Enticements to Encourage New Movers to Try a New Brand

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Movers are not only a high-spending group, they are also in a transitional stage which makes them more open to developing new brand loyalties. The move represents an incredible opportunity for brands across industries to acquire new customers. Identifying movers and reaching them across the channels they prefer is the first step. Once you have captured their attention, what will encourage them to pay attention to your message and take that final step and try your product or service?

The New Mover Trends Report from Porch and Porch Group Media explores today’s new mover, how they are spending and when they are purchasing.

Check out this list of the top 5 enticements that encourage movers to try a new brand.

  1. Good Review – 52%
  2. Better Price than other brands of the same industry – 49%
  3. Recommendations from family/friends/neighbors – 43%
  4. Discounts / Coupons – 37%
  5. Brand contacted me directly with an advertisement – 35%

Be sure to also check out our post on top items movers are spending on!

2021 New Mover Trends Report from Porch Group and Porch Group Media

The 2021 New Mover Trends Report from Porch and Porch Group Media explores the profile of today’s new movers and provides valuable insights into movers’ life events, spending behaviors, attitudes about moving, and much more. Download your free copy here!

new mover report download cta

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