Top 10 States Americans Moved to in 2021

The pandemic has had a huge impact on moving patterns over the past few years. As the pandemic hit in 2020, millions of Americans panic-moved to relocate from large cities. Additionally, a large percentage of the workforce began working remotely. No longer restricted by geography, Americans moved to new areas, looking for more space and affordable options.

In 2021, fewer people moved compared to the previous year. Here are the top inbound states people moved to in 2021: (Source – United Van Lines Movers Study 2021)

  1. Vermont
  2. South Dakota
  3. South Carolina
  4. West Virginia
  5. Florida
  6. Alabama
  7. Tennessee
  8. Oregon
  9. Idaho
  10. Rhode Island

Of the top ten inbound states, six — Vermont, South Dakota, West Virginia, Alabama, Oregon and Idaho — are among the 20 least densely populated states in America, with less than 100 people per square mile.

The Top 10 States Americans Moved Out of in 2021

The top outbound states for 2021 were:

  1. New Jersey
  2. Illinois
  3. New York
  4. Connecticut
  5. California
  6. Michigan
  7. Massachusetts
  8. Louisiana
  9. Ohio
  10. Nebraska

2021 New Mover Trends Report from Porch Group and Porch Group Media

The 2021 New Mover Trends Report from Porch and Porch Group Media explores the profile of today’s new movers and provides valuable insights into movers’ life events, spending behaviors, attitudes about moving, and much more. Download your free copy here!

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