Our Top 9 Blogs of 2021

The marketing team at Porch Group Media creates numerous types of content to educate our readers.  Blogs, webinars, videos, infographics, success kits, and surveys cover a range of topics including mover marketing, email marketing, omnichannel tactics, retail shopping trends, and more.  

We all love a good top ten list. So our team crunched the numbers, dove into Google Analytics, and are pleased to present you with our top ten blogs of 2021.

9. 50 Statistics about Retail Marketing and Consumer Shopping Trends

With the increasing shift to online channels due to the pandemic, consumer digital preferences have matured and expectations have risen. Personalization, customer journeys, and online experiences are being scrutinized more than ever and those who have traditionally shopped at brick-and-mortar locations are expecting the same experiences online that they have received at physical locations. This blog dives into 50 statistics on consumer shopping and retail trends, including a look at some of the ways COVID-19 has altered shopping behavior.

8. 4 Shocking Moving Trends for 2021

COVID-19 has had a huge impact on moving trends. With the increase in remote work opportunities, higher rent rates, all-time-low mortgage rates, and the desire to leave densely populated states for a more affordable cost of living – a nationwide boom in 2021 had a huge impact on moving trends.

7. Home Improvement Industry Trends

This blog on the home improvement industry discusses what trends are propelling homeowners to invest in their homes. Whether homeowners are getting ready to sell their homes, just recently moved into new homes, or have been living at their homes for several years – home improvement tasks become a priority sooner than later.

6. 25 Amazing Statistics on How Consumers Shop for Cars

This blog continues to top our charts. When we originally wrote this blog, an Autotrader study found that car buyers spent 59% of their time online researching. As the pandemic pushed more people to online channels, this percentage is no doubt much higher.  However, this blog is full of interesting stats and deserves a mention in our top ten list.

5. 25 Amazing Omnichannel Statistics Every Marketer Should Know

Did you know that companies with omnichannel customer engagement strategies retain on average 89% of their customers?  This is compared to a 33% customer retention rate for companies with weak omnichannel strategies. This blog is another favorite in our series of top statistics marketers should know.

4. Pre-Mover Data Insights [Infographic]

In 2021, Porch Group Media launched MoverTech, a comprehensive mover data solution offering unparalleled insights into consumers across the move journey, including their households, shopping behaviors, lifestyles, interests, property data, purchase intent signals, and more. Movers exhibit different browsing and shopping behaviors depending on where they are in the move cycle. This infographic showcases Bryan and his behaviors as he prepares to move.

3. How Apple’s iOS 15 Update Affects Your Email Marketing

With the iOS 15 update in 2021, Apple released a series of privacy updates designed to protect consumer privacy by blocking ad trackers and cloaking email activity. While Apple has long been an advocate of consumer data privacy, this latest update caused a stir among marketers and agencies who rely on these first-party data insights to reach Apple consumers. This article looks at what these privacy updates mean for email marketing and how brands can respond.

2. Customer Acquisition, Omnichannel Marketing and Data Quality

Consumers shop across numerous devices and channels, making omnichannel strategies critical for brands to engage with consumers across the entire purchase journey. Marketers who use 4 to 6 channels in their omnichannel campaigns report the best response rates in reaching consumers with meaningful engagement. Read this blog to learn about the importance of quality data insights and omnichannel engagement to acquire today’s modernized consumers.

And finally…

1. 2021 New Mover Trends: Marketing to Today’s Mover

In July 2021, Porch Group Media and Porch commissioned the Harris Poll to run a survey on mover trends, including how movers spend and engage with brands throughout the move process. This transcript has been adapted from our webinar with David Krane from the Harris Poll discussing this research.

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