12 Millennial New Mover Statististics

Check out the latest millennial new mover statistics from our New Mover Trends Report to gain key insights on the characteristics of this generation’s moving journey.

  1. Millennials spend 4.1 months researching mortgage lenders.
  2. TV, furntiure/home decor, and appliances top the list for items purchased by millennials within the first 12 months of moving.
  3. Internet, utilities, and home security are the first providers sought by millennials within the first 12 months of moving.
  4. 67% of millennials are purchasing items before moving.
  5. 54% of millennials are finding service providers prior to moving.
  6. 85% of millennials are doing home improvement projects.
  7. 46% of millennials are using online research to discover new brands to purchase from.
  8. 52% of millennials say good customer reviews would entice them to try a new brand.
  9. 32% of millennials said online ads drove their purchase decisions.
  10. 92% of millennial new movers are willing to try new brands.
  11. 89% of millennial new movers are willing to try new service providers, especially for internet, utilities, and home security.
  12. The top five cities millennials moved to in 2021 were Denver, CO, Seattle, WA, Phoenix,AZ, Austin, TX, and Colorado Springs, CO. Source: SmartAsset

The New Movers Survey was conducted online by The Harris Poll on behalf of Porch Group Media and Porch Group, between July 7th – 16th, 2021 among 1,006 adults ages 18+ in the US who have moved in the past 12 months and/or are planning to move in the next 3 months. Raw data were statistically weighted where necessary by age by gender, race/ethnicity, region, education, income, size of household, marital status, and employment status to bring them in line with their actual proportions in the population.

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