Baby Boomer Marketing Tips

Baby Boomers are embracing the digital age and connecting with others online.

Born between 1946 and 1964, this sizable generation witnessed the evolution of technology firsthand, growing up with rotary phones and black-and-white TVs. Today, they’re comfortable using smartphones, engaging on social media, and shopping online.

In fact, according to a recent survey, 39% of Baby Boomers said they had purchased a product or service online in the previous week, while 35% of Gen Zers said the same.



3 Tips for Marketing to Baby Boomers

While Baby Boomers present a tremendous market opportunity, brands are not always reaching and engaging them effectively through advertising. Only about 17% say they tend to buy brands they’ve seen advertised, compared to one-quarter (25%) of Gen Zers.

Here are 3 tips to effectively reach Baby Boomers online.

1. Deploy Personalized Email Marketing Campaigns

Baby Boomers have a strong presence in email communication. According to Forbes, 95% of Baby Boomers use email. Here are some tips to make your email effective when communicating with Baby Boomers:

  • Personalization is Key: Just like any generation, Baby Boomers appreciate personalized communication. Use their first names in subject lines and salutations. Segment your email lists for targeted messages based on demographics and behavior.
  • Keep It Simple and Clear: Baby Boomers prefer straightforward content. Use plain language, clear messaging, and clean, visually appealing designs. Make it easy for them to understand and act on your emails.
  • Emphasize Value and Benefits: Highlight the benefits of your products or services. Show how they improve lives and solve problems. Use testimonials and case studies featuring satisfied customers in their age group.
  • Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your emails are mobile-responsive. Test them on various devices to ensure readability. Many Baby Boomers use smartphones and tablets for email.
  • Build Trust and Credibility: Establish your brand as reliable and credible. Include contact information, addresses, and social media links. Share informative and educational content to showcase your expertise. Encourage feedback and respond promptly to inquiries.

2. Leverage Social Media Marketing

Seventy-eight percent of Boomers are online and 71% of them are on social media. Facebook remains their preferred platform, but they are also active on YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Baby Boomers use social media to access news, articles, and information. They also follow pages and accounts that provide insights on topics they care about, including health, finance, and current events. Here are a few tips on how to leverage social media to engage with Baby Boomers:

  • Educational Content: Baby Boomers are turning to social media for information and learning. Create educational content that addresses their questions and concerns. Share informative articles, how-to guides, and tutorials related to your industry or niche.
  • Authenticity Matters: Baby Boomers value authenticity and genuine interactions. Avoid using slang or excessive emojis in your posts. Instead, focus on clear and straightforward language.
  • Engage in Conversations: Actively engage with your Baby Boomer audience by responding to comments and messages promptly. Encourage discussions, ask for their opinions, and show appreciation for their feedback. Building a community and fostering relationships is key.
  • Use Visual Content: Share images and videos that tell a story or provide useful information. Infographics and short video clips can be particularly engaging.

3. Develop an SEO Strategy

This generation frequently relies on search engines like Google and Bing as a trusted source of information when researching products and services.  When considering a purchase or seeking information, they often start by typing their questions or keywords into search engines.

  • Content Quality: Create high-quality, informative, and valuable content that addresses the specific needs and questions of Baby Boomers. Aim for longer-form content that thoroughly covers topics of interest, as Baby Boomers often seek in-depth information.
  • Local Search: Baby Boomers often search for local businesses and services. Make sure your website includes location-specific information, such as your physical address, contact details, and business hours. Local SEO strategies can help your brand appear in local search results, which is vital for attracting nearby Baby Boomer customers.
  • User-Friendly Experience: Baby Boomers appreciate websites that are easy to navigate and understand. Avoid overly complex language and ensure that your site loads quickly. Search engines reward websites that offer a smooth and user-friendly experience with higher rankings.


While millennials and gen z get a lot of hype, don’t overlook the power of baby boomers. Baby boomers outspend other generations by about $400 billion and today they’re comfortable shopping online and using digital channels.

If you found this content helpful, check out Generational Marketing: How to Target Different Age Groups

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