Welcome Wagon introduces local movers, new homeowners, renters, and other people in communities to businesses in their area of all sizes. Businesses can leverage their reach by getting their marketing pieces physically into the hands of these individuals and families through direct mail.


I’m excited to have a new guest today with us, Maria De La Salas from Welcome Wagon. She is the President at Welcome Wagon. So welcome, Maria. And Michelle, we’ve seen before, she is the CEO at Porch Group Media, our very generous sponsor of Movers and Shakers. Welcome, Maria and Michelle. 

Maria is new to Movers and Shakers, so Maria, tell us a little bit about Welcome Wagon. It’s been around, I was surprised to learn, for almost 100 years! I mean, it’s really been the ultimate direct marketing, you know, vehicle; I’ll say a wagon as a vehicle, right? And I recently found out, I think I mentioned this to you before, that my husband’s mom worked for Welcome Wagon in the sixties. And you know, it’s been around a while, it’s still going strong, really leveraging direct mail and direct marketing to new movers in communities. Maria, tell us a little bit about Welcome Wagon and why it keeps being one of the most effective vehicles that new movers, or new businesses can leverage, or businesses can leverage in communities?


Absolutely. Thank you, Luci.

So, yes. You’re absolutely right. Welcome Wagon has been around since 1928, helping American brands build up their recognition in the community.

And your mother-in-law, she used to be a hostess. So we currently have community marketing executives representing our brand within the local communities. What we currently do with our range of products, is introduce those brands to those local movers, or homeowners, or renters, or people that are part of that specific community that a company or small business, medium, large business wants to start relationships with.

And so we’ve evolved. In the past, we used to have those hostesses visit door-to-door with  Welcome Wagon baskets. And now the Welcome Wagon baskets still exist in a print and digital way.

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Love it. Let’s see those products. I love them.

Tell us a little bit about, again, how you leverage these for your customers so they can draw in new customers of their own. We’re going to be sharing some research, at least on the movers segment, we’re going to be borrowing the mover segment today to talk about direct mail. You know, 85% of new movers typically use the first business that contacts them. You know, they get in, they get used to using them. Tell us about some of your, you know, again, these are four different products. As well as tell us about, maybe one of them.


Yeah, for sure. So, for example, the Gift Book is one of our most well-recognized products, and that’s where our sponsors and partners get the opportunity to really give that housewarming gift to the new movers or really have that additional incentive for that strategic audience to take action.

So think about this, when compared to other channels of communication, direct mail really shows clear advantages, but one of my favorite advantages is, you can touch it, right? So it’s really a surreal experience that involves not only your eyes but you can get to touch the piece to hold the piece in your hands. So that’s an opportunity for our sponsors.

And then to go specifically to the Welcome Wagon products, direct mail is intended to be part of the overall strategy for our partners. So, if they’re thinking about, you know, doing digital, that’s excellent, but direct mail is an excellent way to do retargeting, to supplement, to complement, to actually reinforce. And it’s also measured and traced easier.

Direct Mail Marketing Solutions

See for yourself how our direct mail programs, in partnership with Welcome Wagon, can help you boost customer acquisition and curb attrition. Contact us today!

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