How to Identify and Target Consumers Actively Shopping for Cars

Identifying and reaching consumers who are actively shopping and in-market for a vehicle is crucial for automotive brands. A dealership for example may know who its ideal audience is but finding them is not as easy. A study by IAB conducted in 2014 revealed that at the time, 14% of US adults were planning to buy an automobile in the next 6 months. Through big data analytics and applications, Facebook has also developed its own auto-intender audience of those who are most likely to be in the market for a vehicle.

More advanced mobile targeting solutions are now available to target on-premise shoppers. Historically, mobile targeting has been limited to solutions that target the device, not the person. Porch Group Media has developed a proprietary mobile solution called Porch Group Media Signals that match mobile devices to actual on-premise shoppers. Each Signals alert includes contact data often enriched with demographics. Audiences are also onboarded to our digital platforms to create a digital audience of purchase intenders.

Porch Group Media Signals Delivers Multichannel Marketing Audiences:

  • Dealer Visit Signal – Conquest: A person visiting a competing dealership in your area
    Results: Over 3 million people annually tracked visiting a competitor brand dealership
  • Dealer Visit Signal – Loyalty: A person visiting a common brand dealership in your area
    Results: Over 1 million people annually tracked visiting a common brand dealership.
  • Service Signal: A person visiting a dealership for service in your area
    Results: Over 1.5 million people annually visiting a dealership for service. This indicates an opportunity to create service segments by dealership brand.
  • Insurance Signal: A person visiting a dealership indicates a possible auto insurance change
    Results: Over 4 million people annually visiting a dealership in search of a new car.

Sales Conversions and Insights Into Timing

We partnered with industry leading organizations to track, monitor, and validate the value of Porch Group Media Signals Leads. The National Study revealed the following results:

Percentage of consumers who will convert auto sale
  • Digital Leads to a VDP (Vehicle Detail Page) convert at 1.9%
  • A market-leading data source estimates purchase behavior of 4.6% over 120 days
  • Signals shoppers show a conversion of 11.89% to purchase a vehicle within 120 days of their first on lot dealer visit
Time frame for consumer purchase after first visit

We observed that the consideration and purchase phase lasts up to 120 days as displayed in our sales report analysis, allowing marketers to reach consumers at the right time with the right message.

Marketing Insights

Porch Group Media Signals also provides rich analytical and marketing insights. In addition to a daily source of imminent purchase intenders, our clients use Porch Group Media Signals for a broad range of insights including:

  • Lead enhancement
  • Marketing program performance
  • Trade area performance and insights
  • Insights into consumer brand preferences and activity
  • Identification of existing customers who may deflect to another brand

By accessing these feeds on a daily basis, automotive marketers have an amazing opportunity to convert consumers who are actively shopping for a vehicle.

Download our Automotive Marketing Success Kit for more great tips and strategies on how to target and acquire today’s car shoppers.

Automotive Marketing Success Kit

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