Top 3 Cookieless Targeting Solutions Marketers are Considering in 2024

Cookie deprecation is a hot topic in 2024.

For several years, marketers have relied on cookies to track users across the web, letting them target specific demographics and interests.

But with the demise of cookies right around the corner, this data will no longer be readily available, forcing marketers to rethink their data strategies and find alternative targeting solutions.

So, what cookieless targeting solutions are marketers considering to make a seamless transition?

Porch Group Media partnered with Ascend2 to field the 2024 B2C Marketing Audience Building Report, surveying 353 B2C marketing professionals about how they use data to build effective audiences.

Read on for the top 3 cookieless targeting solutions B2C marketers are turning to in 2024.


Top 3 Cookieless Targeting Solutions Marketers are Considering in 2024

1. Collect More First-Party Data

In 2024, first-party data is key to building effective audiences. Over nine out of ten marketers report using first-party data in their audience building strategy. In an effort to alleviate the impact of cookie deprecation, a whopping sixty-one percent of marketers are planning to collect more first-party data to identify and target audiences this year.

First-party data is collected directly from your consenting customers through website interactions, loyalty programs, and surveys. Leveraging this data enables you to personalize experiences, understand customer needs, and deliver targeted advertising – all while respecting user privacy.


  • Prioritize Transparency and Consent: Be upfront about how you collect and use data. Clearly outline the benefits your customers will receive in exchange for sharing their information and make it easy for them to opt in or out.
  • Offer Value in Exchange for Data: Give your customers a good reason to share their info. For example, offer your customers a birthday freebie for sharing their birthday with you.
  • De-duplicate: After collecting first-party data, you’ll want to ensure your data is clean, accurate, and marketable. Identify and remove duplicate entries (e.g., multiple email addresses for the same customer). Standardize data formats for consistency (e.g., consistent date format, capitalization rules). Prioritizing your data quality will refine your targeting and improve your personalization.

💡 Get Your Free Guide: First-Party Data Best Practices

2. Social Media Advertising/Targeting

Fifty-nine percent of marketers are considering social media advertising/targeting to identify and target audiences without relying on third-party cookies.

Social media platforms’ advanced targeting options allow you to reach specific audience demographics, interests, and online behavior.


  • Focus on Lookalike Audiences: Many platforms allow you to build “lookalike audiences” based on your existing customer data. This lets you reach new users who share similar characteristics with your current customers, increasing the chance of ad relevance and conversion.
  • Target Users Based on Engagement Behavior: Target users who have interacted with your brand in the past, such as those who liked, commented on, or shared your posts. You can also target users who have engaged with similar content or competitors’ posts, allowing you to reach an audience that is already receptive to your offerings.

3. Advertise on a Retail Media Network

Forty-three percent of marketers are considering investing their advertising dollars with retail media networks to deliver targeted ads.

Retail media networks leverage the wealth of first-party data collected directly by retailers – data on purchase history, browsing behavior within the retail platform, and loyalty program information – to deploy precisely targeted ads.

For example, advertising on a retail media network allows you to reach shoppers who have previously shown interest in certain products or are actively browsing categories relevant to your business. They also enable measurement based on actual in-store or online purchases, providing you with a clear picture of campaign effectiveness.


  • Leverage Retargeting: Many retail media networks offer retargeting. Use this to reach website visitors who have browsed specific products or categories but haven’t yet converted. Retargeting can re-ignite interest and nudge your audience towards making a purchase.
  • Utilize Contextual Targeting: Use contextual targeting options to display your ads alongside relevant product categories, articles, or search queries. For example, if you’re advertising a new line of athletic wear, your ad could appear on a webpage dedicated to fitness tips or next to search results for “running shoes.” This approach leverages the context of the user’s current activity within the retail platform to ensure ad relevance without relying on user data.

You May Also Like: 23 Data-Driven Marketing Statistics on How B2Cs Build Audiences in 2024

Want to learn more about how marketers are building effective audiences without third-party cookies?

Get your free copy of the 2024 B2C Marketing Audience Building Report.

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