New Movers: 2022 Home Improvement Trends

Buying a home is one of the biggest investments you will ever make. But what makes a home a home? Some say it’s where your family lives. Some say it’s that special place with familiar sights, sounds, and smells. Some say a isn’t a home until you put your unique stamp on it. So how are new movers taking on this idea of making their new house their own unique home? Let’s break it down.

Top Home Improvement Projects for New Movers in 2022

We’ve done a deep dive into analyzing the progress, planning, and completed work new movers took on in 2022. The New Mover Trends Report from Porch Group Media, conducted by The Harris Poll, explores how people are updating their new spaces and making them their own.

Source: 2022 New Mover Trends Report by Porch Group Media

It’s no shock painting is the number one choice for bringing your new home vision to life. While moderately inexpensive, painting is usually a quick change to any interior room. It’s one of the projects you can do while someone else is doing one of the more cumbersome upgrades.

Close behind and tied for second, we have: landscaping, redecorating, remodeling bathrooms, and updating the flooring. This offers a lot of opportunities for marketers in the home improvement space.

DIY Home Improvement vs. Hiring a Contractor

When planning which project or projects happen first, new movers are determining whether it’s a do-it-yourself (DIY) task or something to pay a professional for. In 2020, the DIY movement took on a huge surge as people sat home dreaming of the upgrades they had been putting off. Many took on projects themselves getting inspired on Pinterest and then scouring how-to videos on YouTube.

Since then, multitudes of DIY influencers have taken over social media inspiring homeowners and renters to take on temporary or permanent projects without the help of contractors. In fact, we found that 3 out of 5 new movers would prefer DIY over using a contractor. However, when taking on larger projects that are an important part of protecting and increasing the value of your home, first-time buyers, individuals, and families buying larger homes are much more apt to hire a professional. Using an online service is where 64% of these consumers are looking for the right contractor for their project.

What This Means for Marketers

The Porch Group Media Network utilizes rich insights and detailed data to appropriately target 127MM movers and homeowners putting the right ads in front of the right people. We look at key demographics and life triggers to determine who to target, on what channels, and when. Here’s an example of what we’ve found:

Learn More About Porch Group Media’s Precision Mover Audiences

Knowing that the “First Time Home Buyers” and “Moving Up” categories are more likely to hire a project out to a professional, it’s important to know how they will be looking for services and when. Targeting ads not only for contractors but recognizing which project or area of the home they are focusing on, helps to push ads for similar or complementary goods or services.

Proprietary New Mover Audience & Marketing Solutions

Home improvement projects are an important part of protecting the investment and value of a home. At Porch Group Media, we understand new movers: who they are, what they’re shopping for, and how to target them. Our new mover audiences are enhanced with rich insights into consumer preferences, lifestyles, interests, property data, and billions of purchase intent signals for unparalleled insights. Contact us today to learn how we can help you start turning new movers into new customers.

Download the 2022 New Mover Trends Report

Download the 2022 New Mover Trends Report to explore the state of today’s new movers and uncover valuable opportunities to reach this lucrative audience of in-market shoppers.

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