Email’s Role in the Marketing Mix

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*This content has been adapted from our full-length Movers and Shakers podcast, Kickstart Your Email Marketing in 2023


Where do you see email’s role in the marketing mix?


A good strategy will always include multiple channels and it’s really going to depend on where you are and what your brand’s recognition is in the marketplace, and what the value proposition or objective of your messaging is.

As you look at the whole marketing ecosystem, different channels will work at different times.

I’ll say this, any time you’re doing direct mail or mass digital media, and by mass, I mean, your display ads, your social media advertising, and even your CTV, having email as a component of that mix creates that open gate I was talking about.

So if I’m scrolling through social, and I see a new brand, I may or may not want to click through at that point, because at that moment, I may only be interacting with posts from brands that I’m familiar with. So, it may not be the right timing

With direct mail, the piece is sitting on the table when I get home. I may make a phone call or I may want to go look at the website. But if an email follows it or even precedes it in some cases, I have an immediate opportunity to click through.

Now connected TV is a great way to build brand awareness. A great opportunity. Follow it up with an email so that someone can click through and we’re not interrupting the show they’re watching.

So each piece plays a role, but email just opens that door to really let you get a quick response.


I like email because of how highly targeted you can make it, and it also gives you a chance to really make your high LTV customers feel really special if you’re on the CRM side. Or if you have high prospect lifetime value – those that can be of value for you if they came in as a customer – email also gives you the ability to really give them an enticing offer to get started with you.

I just really loved the ability to hyper-target your audience with your creative and your offers. I think email gives you a great opportunity and is critical in any direct marketing type.

All of us marketers are about “test, test, test”, but I think email especially allows that hyper-personalization, a more valuable offer matched with your more valuable customers or prospects.

I just really like the intricacies of it that maybe some other channels really don’t afford you when you’re targeting customers versus prospects.

Download the Email Marketing Best Practices Guide

Ready to boost the success of your email marketing campaigns? Our Email Marketing Best Practices Guide outlines standard best practices that enhance email communications, including recommendations to ensure your emails stand out in crowded inboxes and generate ROI. 

Email Marketing Best Practices

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