Movers Report Making Big-Ticket Purchases

By Marketing Charts

Moving almost always entails incurring expenses – and a lot of the time those expenses are more than anticipated. A recent report [download page] from Porch Group Media and Porch looks at what items and services new movers are buying when they move and what would entice them to try a new brand or company. 

Marketing Charts Mover Purchases

In a July 2021 survey of more than 1,000 US adults who had moved in the past 12 months and/or were planning to move in the next 3 months, furniture and home decor were among the top items purchased or anticipated to be purchased within the first 12 months of moving (47%). New movers also purchased or planned to purchase a TV (45%), appliances (40%) and home improvement and repair supplies (31%).

Along with physical items, movers also need to acquire various services. Internet stands out as the service most movers need to find within the first year of moving. Indeed, more respondents say they needed to sort out finding an internet provider (48%) than those who say they need utility providers (36%).

Many new movers made their purchase prior to moving. This is particularly true about products such as solar (54%), auto repair/maintenance (52%) and home improvement supplies (48%). Likewise, most respondents found or anticipated finding service providers such as solar installation (52%), financial services/banking (47%) and home warranty (44%) before moving. While an internet provider and utilities ranked highest as services respondents needed to find, most respondents found these services within the first month of moving (43% and 45%, respectively).

When finding items to purchase or businesses to purchase from, many respondents are going online to research. Others also read online customer reviews. In fact, separate research shows that customer reviews top the list of elements on product pages that help consumers decide what to buy. 

Additionally, while other research also shows that price is the biggest influence when considering a purchase, this more recent report shows that most respondents are enticed to try a new brand by good reviews. They also say they are more likely to try a new brand or company when buying furniture, TVs and appliances than other items. As for services, respondents are most likely to try a new internet provider, while considerably fewer are willing to try a new home insurance company, moving service and doctor or dentist.

The full report can be found here

About the Data: Findings are based on a July 2021 survey of 1,006 US adults (18+) who had moved in the past 12 months and/or were planning to move in the next 3 months.

Article originally appeared on MarketingCharts.

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