New Movers: The Secret to Skyrocketing Solar Energy Sales

The solar energy industry is rapidly growing. Currently, there are more than 2 million solar energy systems installed in the U.S. According to solar energy growth projections, it’s estimated that there will be 4 million solar power systems in 2023. With the popularity of solar energy soaring, this presents an amazing opportunity for solar energy providers to grow their businesses.

New mover marketing is an effective way for solar energy providers to increase brand awareness and customer acquisition. A new mover is an individual who has moved into a new home in the last 12 months. Because moving is a tremendous economic event, new movers purchase a variety of items and services to settle into their new homes before, during, and after moving – creating a massive $170B audience.

New research from the 2021 New Mover Trends Report shows that many new movers are purchasing solar energy products and services.

Key findings:

  • On average,new movers spend $1,360 on solar installation.
  • On average, new movers spend $1,542 on solar panels.
  • Only 8% of new movers feel they overspent on solar energy.
  • Out of all items, the highest percentage (54%) of new movers are purchasing solar energy prior to moving.
  • Out of all services, solar installation had the highest percentage (52%) of new movers purchasing this service prior to moving.

Why Solar Energy Providers Should Market to New Movers

The 2021 New Mover Trends Report reveals that movers are highly interested in solar energy and out of all items and services, movers spend the most on solar energy. Check out some of the report findings below to learn why solar energy providers can’t afford to miss out on the opportunity of marketing to new movers.

1. Of all services, new movers are spending the most on solar energy installation.

Out of all the services, new movers are spending the most on solar installation, with $1,360 spent on average.

solar top services cost

2. Solar panels are among the top items new movers spend the most on.

Solar energy tops the list for items new movers spend the most on. New movers spend on average $1,542 on solar panels.

solar panels top cost purchase items

3. New movers are purchasing solar panels prior to moving.

More than half (54%) of new movers purchased solar panels before moving, while 25% purchased within the first month of moving, and 18% of new movers purchased after moving. This means solar energy providers need to reach new movers early to ensure the success of their mover marketing campaigns.

timing of purchases moving items

4. New movers are finding new solar energy providers for solar installation before moving.

52% of new movers purchased solar energy installation before move-in, while 20% did so within the first month of moving, and 28% did so after moving.

timing change of service providers new movers

5. 88% of new movers are willing to try new brands for any service provider.

The majority of new movers (88%) are open to trying new brands for the items and services they use. This is an amazing opportunity for solar energy providers to engage with new movers to raise brand awareness and increase their customer acquisition.

New Mover Marketing for Solar Energy Providers

With MoverTech, solar energy providers can now identify and target moving consumers with omnichannel and digital programs before, during, and after the move. The solution is fueled by Porch technology, who provides software and services to home services companies. Through these companies, Porch gains early access to homebuyers, seeing 80+% of all houses bought in the U.S. per year. This proprietary source of information is combined with Porch Group Media’s rich foundation of marketing data and insight to form the MoverTech suite of mover marketing and technology solutions:

  • MoverTech Data: Leverage comprehensive proprietary mover data from Porch technology
  • MoverTech Activation: Orchestrate real-time marketing programs with the help of the Porch Group Media team
  • MoverTech Science: Target movers with precision analytics powered by data science
  • MoverTech Platforms: Execute omnichannel campaigns with Porch Group Media’s powerful suite of tools
  • MoverTech Insights: Access to our extensive library of mover marketing content

2021 New Mover Trends Report from Porch Group and Porch Group Media

Want more of the latest insights on today’s new movers? The 2021 New Mover Trends Report from Porch and Porch Group Media explores the profile of today’s new movers and provides valuable insights into movers’ life events, spending behaviors, attitudes about moving, and much more. Download your free copy here!

new mover report download cta

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