Unpacking 2021’s New Mover Trends

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New mover marketing has been the same for years and marketers have been working with insights into how moving trends impact consumer purchasing behavior largely sourced from research 10 years and older. 

Porch Group Media commissioned The Harris Poll to launch our annual New Mover Trends Survey.  Our 2021 edition focuses on various characteristics and decisions new movers make. In particular, the driving forces behind the decision to move, budget, purchase items, and new services they may need.

Additionally, the study sought to gain insight into the likelihood of new movers to try other brands and companies and what exactly entices them to such brands/companies. Download the free report to access all the latest mover trends and statistics.

Key Findings

Profile of Today’s Mover

  • Who is moving in 2021?: Today’s average movers are between ages 25 and 34 years old. They have a bachelor’s degree or graduate degree. They are employed full-time and have a household income of $100,000+. They are either married or living with a partner and have two children.
  • Upsizing to a bigger home is the top reason for moving. According to 35% of movers, the primary reason for moving is to move into a larger home. Other top reasons for moving include being closer to family (28%), moving to a safer home (25%), family size is growing (22%), and relocating for a new job (18%).
  • More than half (64%) of movers have had a recent life event. Interestingly, over a quarter of respondents (26%), had purchased a vehicle before moving, indicative of a change in income or financial circumstances. The second top life event before a move was becoming employed (21% of respondents).
  • Nearly three-quarters of movers are planning their next move within the next 12 months. People are clearly on the move, and they aren’t staying in any one place for very long. Additionally, almost half (47%) of respondents plan to move again within the next six months.
  • 1 in 5 movers do not report their moves to the USPS. Therefore, it’s vital for marketers to continuously monitor their customer files to ensure they have current and accurate contact information and data sources to reach these consumers.
  • Homeownership is on the rise. More than half (61%) of survey respondents who reported moving in the next three months are looking to own their own homes.

⬇ Download the Free Report for More Insights into the Profile of Today’s Mover

How Today’s Mover Spends

  • New movers spend an average of $8,068 on all items and services within the first 12 months of moving. Other than automobile, items that movers are spending the most on include furniture, solar panels, and home improvement. Top services movers are spending the most on include solar installation, home remodeling & repairs, and flooring installation.
  • Movers’ purchase decisions are influenced by online research, reviews, and recommendations from friends and family. Around half would be enticed to try a new brand based on good reviews (52%) and better prices than other brands of the same industry (49%). More than two in five (43%) new movers would be enticed by recommendations from family/friends/neighbors.
  • Items are predominantly purchased prior to the move. The majority (64%) of movers reported purchasing items before move-in. Solar panels (54%), automobile repair/maintenance (52%), and home improvement and repair supplies (48%) top the list of items movers purchased before move-in day.
  • Movers find service providers before moving. More than half (53%) of movers found new service providers prior to move-in. Solar installation (52%), financial services/banking (47%), and home warranty (44%) top the list of service providers movers are seeking prior to moving.
  • Movers are willing to try new brands. A strong majority of new movers say they would be likely to try a new brand/company for any items (90%) and a new provider/company for any services (88%).
  • Home improvement projects are underway. 83% of movers say they are planning to do or have already done home improvement projects. Top home improvement projects include painting, redecorating, kitchen remodeling, and landscaping.
  • Movers are best reached by an omnichannel marketing approach. 45% of movers purchased items online and had them delivered to their homes, while 29% purchased items online and picked up in-store, and 27% purchased items in-store.

⬇ Download the Free Report for More Insights into How Today’s Mover Spends

How Today’s Mover Feels

  • Moving was more stressful than imagined. Around 7 in 10 movers who have moved in the past 12 months say the process of moving (e.g., packing, buying a home, selling a home) was more stressful than they imagined.
  • Moving is complicated and helpful resources are lacking. 70% of movers say they wish they had more resources to help them during the moving process.
  • Movers feel they overspent on certain items and services. Furniture, home décor, and internet service top the list of items/services where movers feel they overspent.

⬇ Download the Free Report for More Insights into How Today’s Mover Feels

What this Means for Marketers

With more than 30 million people in the U.S. moving each year, mover marketing is a significant revenue opportunity for brands to engage with this lucrative market. Movers spend billions of dollars per year on various products and services. It’s time for marketers to prioritize mover marketing and modernize how they engage with movers throughout the move process and beyond direct mail. While many brands have overlooked or underinvested in mover marketing, those who have modernized their approach reap the benefits.


Movers are willing to try new brands and are in-market to make a variety of major purchases. They are eager to spend and actively research new products and services online. Customer reviews, price, and recommendations from friends and family influence their purchase decisions. They desire larger homes with more space to support their growing families and are motivated to complete home improvement projects within the first 12 months of moving. While movers purchase items and services from a variety of verticals, movers are highly engaged with solar energy, home remodeling/repair, auto, retail, and home security brands.

Additionally, movers are researching and purchasing items before moving, which means they need to be reached early on. As such, brands in these verticals are presented with a lucrative opportunity to turn new movers into new customers, making mover marketing a worthwhile investment.

Often, brands employ data insights and technology in many marketing programs, yet they haven’t upgraded their mover marketing efforts. It’s time for marketers to stop reaching movers too late and in the wrong channels. By strategically targeting movers through multiple channels throughout the moving process, you can build engagement, drive revenue, and create long-term loyalty.

  • Identify and reach movers before they move.
  • Use data to personalize marketing to movers.
  • Leverage technology to engage movers across channels and beyond direct mail.


The 2021 New Mover Trends Survey was conducted online by The Harris Poll on behalf of Porch Group Media, between July 7th – 16th, 2021 among 1,006 adults ages 18+ in the US who have moved in the past 12 months and/or are planning to move in the next 3 months. Raw data were statistically weighted where necessary by age by gender, race/ethnicity, region, education, income, size of household, marital status, and employment status to bring them in line with their actual proportions in the population.

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Want to use data from this report to support your research and content creation efforts? We’d love to see the results of this report shared with your audience for any noncommercial use. Please download the free report and include a link back to this page in your content so that our team gets credit for their work too.

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