Pre-Mover Data Insights [Infographic]

Targeting new movers offers your brand an incredible opportunity to acquire new customers and attain their loyalty. With MoverTech’s proprietary data and comprehensive insights across the entire mover journey, your brand’s message is guaranteed to reach the right audience, on the right channels, at the right time.

MoverTech Data is the most in-depth mover data set on the market, offering unparalleled insights into moving consumers, their households, shopping behaviors, lifestyles, interests, property data, billions of purchase intent signals, and more.

How it Works

The move journey is comprised of 4 phases: possible movers, likely movers, verified pre-movers, and post-movers.

Within these phases, movers exhibit different browsing and shopping behaviors. In this infographic, we showcase the data profile of Bryan, a verified pre-mover.

premover data insights

Mover Marketing Solutions

Are you ready to turn movers into customers? Download our 2021 Mover Marketing Success Kit to get started!

marketing success kit 2021 cta

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