50 Email Marketing Statistics You Need to Know (Updated for 2024)

Email marketing remains a cornerstone of successful digital marketing strategies, offering unparalleled reach, engagement, and ROI.

People aren’t just using email to connect with family and friends. In fact, 60% of consumers prefer to be contacted by brands through email.

With its ability to deliver personalized, targeted messages directly to a subscriber’s inbox, email marketing has proven time and again to be a highly effective way to connect with audiences, drive conversions, and nurture customer relationships.

Take a look at these 50 amazing email marketing statistics that showcase just how strong this marketing channel is.

Email Marketing ROI Statistics


1) Email continues to outperform other marketing channels by a long shot. For every dollar brands invest in email marketing, they receive 42 dollars in return. (Litmus)

2) 77% of marketers say email is one of their two most effective marketing channels and 78% of marketing executives indicate email marketing is vital to the overall success of their company. (Litmus, 2020)

3) Just 16% of respondents believe their company measures email marketing’s ROI well or very well. Furthermore, 45% cited ROI measurement of email marketing efforts as poor, very poor, or non-existent. (Litmus, 2020)

4) According to 80% of professionals, email marketing drives customer acquisition and retention. (eMarketer)

5) 52% of consumers made a purchase directly from an email in 2023. (Marigold Consumer Trends Index, 2023)

6) Marketers report that segmented emails drive 30% more opens and 50% more clickthroughs than unsegmented ones. (HubSpot State of Marketing Report, 2023)

7) One study found that the ROI on email was 28.5% compared to 7% for direct mail. (Chief Marketer)

Email Marketing Engagement Statistics


8) 60% of consumers say they’ve made a purchase as the result of a marketing email they received. (OptinMonster)

9) The top 3 reasons people choose to unsubscribe from an email list: too many emails (59%), info no longer relevant (43%), or don’t recognize brand or remember signing up (43%). (OptinMonster)

10) 21% of opened emails are opened within the very first hour of delivery. By the end of hour three, that number jumps up to nearly 41 percent. (Get Response)

11) 61% of consumers enjoy receiving promotional emails weekly. 38% would like emails to come even more frequently. (Constant Contact)

12) 42.3% of Americans subscribe to email lists to receive savings and discounts. (Elevently)

13) Sending 3 abandon cart emails yields 69% more orders than 1 email abandon cart campaigns. (Omnisend)

14) Shopping cart abandonment emails sent 1 hour after the user leaves your site are the most effective, converting 6.33% of shoppers. (Convince & Convert)

Email Marketing Personalization Statistics


15) Emails with personalized subject lines are 50% more likely to be opened. (Oberlo)

16) Segmented email marketing campaigns can lead to revenue increases of as much as 760%. (Campaign Monitor)

17) Email personalization produces 6x higher revenue and transaction rates. (Experian)

18) 74% of marketers have stated that targeted personalization increases their overall customer engagement rates. (eConsultancy)

19) Birthday emails tend to generate 342% higher revenue per email than standard promotional emails. (Experian)

20) 55% of consumers have stated that they like email messages that contain relevant products and offers. (Liveclicker)


Email Marketing Automation Statistics


21) On average, 51% of companies are currently using automation. (Email Monday)

22) 68.5% of responders believe that automation improved the targeting of messages. (Liana Tech)

23) Triggered emails result in 8 times more opens and greater earnings than typical bulk emails. (Experian)

24) The best tactics for automation are mapping the customer experience (53%) and use of personalized messages (51%). (Ascend)

25) Automation tools are used for sending all types of emails: (Get Response)

  •  welcome emails (47%)
  • promotional sales emails (46%)
  • transactional emails (28%)
  • invitations and reminders (27%)
  • blog updates (26%)
  • upselling emails (23%)
  • event-triggered emails based on customer lifecycle (15%), etc.

26) Average open rate of triggered email campaigns is 46%, CTR – 11%, and click-to-open rate – 24%. (Get Response)

Mobile Email Marketing Statistics


27) 60% of email opens are from mobile devices. (Adestra)

28) Launching a mobile-responsive email design can increase unique mobile clicks by 15%. (MailChimp)

29) Emails that display incorrectly on mobile may be deleted within three seconds. (Adestra)

30) 41% of email views — and 75% of Gmail users’ email views — come from mobile devices (MailButler, 2023)

31) 35% of email marketers use a mobile-first or mobile-responsive design process. (Litmus, 2023)

32) 52% of customers are less likely to engage with a company because of bad mobile experience. (Wow Local Marketing)

33) 73% of companies surveyed prioritize mobile device optimization of emails. (Smart Insights)

34) 23% of consumers who open an email on a mobile device will open that email again later. (Campaign Monitor)

35) One out of every 3 clicks in an email is registered on a mobile device. (Campaign Monitor)

B2B Email Marketing Statistics

36) 59% of B2B marketers prefer email for lead generation. (Emma)

37) Email newsletters are the most-used type of content marketing for 81% of B2B marketers. (Content Marketing Institute)

38) 40% of B2B marketers claim that email newsletters are the most important tactic in their content marketing strategy. (Content Marketing Institute)

39) Approximately 85% of B2B marketers work with some form of email marketing software – making it the second most-used type of tool, behind analytics software (86%). (Content Marketing Institute)

40) Nine out of ten B2B companies use email engagement as a content performance measure. That makes it the most popular metric. (Content Marketing Institute)

41) B2B marketing emails see a 23% higher click-to-open ratio than B2C emails. (Emfluence)

Email Marketing Content Statistics


42) 47% of people open the emails based on the subject line. (OptinMonster)

43) Open rate by the number of words in the subject line: (Snov.io Labs)

  • 6-10 words (21%)
  • 0-5 words (16%)
  • 11-15 words (14%)
  • 16-20 words (12%)

44) 95% of marketers who use generative AI for email creation rate it as “effective,” and 54% rate it as “very effective”. (HubSpot State of Generative AI Report, 2023)

45) 43% of marketers who use generative AI say that it’s most helpful for creating email copy. (HubSpot State of Generative AI Report, 2023)

46) Emails with active discount codes have an 8 times higher chance to make a sale than those without any discounts. (Medium)

47) 47% of email recipients say they open an email based on the subject line alone, and 69% mark an email as spam based on the subject line alone. (OptinMonster, 2023)

48) Using customers’ names in email copy is the most common strategy marketers use to personalize their marketing emails. (MailJet, 2023)

49) Emails with signatures with a photo receive 32% more replies than emails without it.  (Snov.io Labs)

50) A study by Experian found that email subject lines with an emoji increased open rates by 56%, as compared to text-only subject lines. (Campaign Monitor)

Want more great email marketing statistics? Check out our article: 100+ Must-Know Email Marketing Statistics for 2024.

Email Marketing Solutions

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