The Ultimate Guide to Turning New Movers into New Customers

When you hear the term “new mover marketing,” you may first think of the coupon booklets you’ve received in the mail at your new address. But today, new mover marketing is so much more than that.

New mover marketing focuses exclusively on marketing to consumers who are in the moving process or have moved within the last 12 months. These consumers are a highly lucrative audience, willing to try new brands and services. From seeking new insurance providers and banks to finding new gyms and grocery stores, new movers are in-market and ready to spend.

Learn how to start turning new movers into new customers in this comprehensive guide.

Table of Contents

  • Meet Today’s New Movers
  • Why Does New Mover Marketing Matter?
  • How Does New Mover Marketing Work?
  • Leverage New Mover Marketing the Right Way for Customer Acquisition and Retention
  • Deploy Effective New Mover Marketing Campaigns
  • New Mover Marketing Case Study
meet todays new movers

Meet Today’s New Movers

With an average of 31 million Americans moving every year, new movers are a poweful audience segment that is often overlooked. Check out the latest statistics and trends from our New Mover study for a 360-degree view of today’s new movers.

Profile of today’s new mover: The average age of today’s new movers is between ages 26 and 41 years old. They are employed full-time and have a household income of $100,000+. They are either married or living with a partner.

New movers spend an average of $11,000 on items and services within the first 12 months of moving. Items that new movers spend the most on include solar, roof, financial/banking, flooring, furniture/home decor, appliances, and windows.

Recent Life Events: Nearly two-thirds (64%) of new movers have experienced a recent life event, such as purchasing a vehicle (28%), becoming employed (17%), and getting married (8%).

Homeownership is the goal for renters: 31% of current renters planning to move in the next 3 months are planning to own their home.

Top Inbound States: Here are the top 5 states people moved to in 2023 according to North American Van Lines 2023 Migration Report.

  1. South Carolina
  2. Tennesee
  3. North Carolina
  4. Arizona
  5. Florida

Top Outbound States: Here are the top 5 states people moved away from in 2023 according to North American Van Lines 2023 Migration Report.

  1. Illinois
  2. California
  3. Pennsylvania
  4. Minnesota
  5. Washington

How are people moving? More people make DIY moves each year than use professional services. Here are the findings from our New Mover Trends Report.

  • 52% – Moving items myself (i.e. packing, transporting one’s items)
  • 46% – Asking for help from others (i.e. family, friends)
  • 41% – Renting a moving truck
  • 32% – Using a moving company
  • 14% – Using a moving pod

Why Does New Mover Marketing Matter?

Moving consumers are in a state of transition, and seek out new brands for a variety of products and services. As a result, marketing to new movers is an effective strategy to acquire and retain long-term customers. Look at just a few of these insightful new mover stats and trends uncovered by the new mover research from Porch Group Media:

  • Movers’ purchase decisions are influenced by online research, reviews, and recommendations from friends and family. More than half (56%) would be enticed to try a new brand based on good reviews. Nearly half (48%) of new movers would be enticed by recommendations from family/friends/neighbors. 50% of new movers do online research before making a purchase.
  • Items are predominantly purchased prior to the move. 72% of new movers reported purchasing items before move-in. Moving services (53%), financial/banking (48%), and roof (46%) were among the top items purchased before the move.
  • Movers are willing to try new brands. 90% of new movers would be likely to try a new brand for items/services. Top items/services new movers would be most likely to try a new brand for include internet, furniture, cable/streaming services, appliances, utilities, and home security.
  • Movers are best reached by an omnichannel marketing approach. 56% of new movers have purchased from a social media ad. 58% have purchased from an ad they saw while using a search engine.

How Does New Mover Marketing Work?

Now you know why new mover marketing is so important. But, what steps should you take to run an effective new mover marketing campaign? Here are some important actions to take.

Find a Reliable Data Source

Seems obvious, right? Mover data sources may include deeds from courthouses, change of address with the U.S.P.S., new phone and utility connects, or publication subscription change of address. These are all great sources for finding recently moved individuals. However, these sources are mainly focused on people who have already moved.

Our New Movers study discovered that many moving consumers (72%) make purchases before the move.  If you’re only relying on post-mover data, you’re missing out on a lucrative audience of shoppers.

Porch provides software and services to home services companies such as home inspectors, moving companies, real estate agencies, utility companies, and warranty companies. These companies work closely with movers across the move journey. As a result, Porch Group Media has unique access to premover data that no other provider on the market has access to.

Determine the Goals of Your New Mover Marketing Campaign

Marketing to new movers isn’t as simple as sending out a batch of direct mail pieces to a mailing list. You first need to consider the goals of your campaign. Are you trying to attract more customers? You’ll need a new mover marketing campaign that solves customer acquisition. Are you trying to curb customer attrition? You’ll need a new mover marketing campaign that solves customer retention.

Featured Resource – New Mover Marketing Success Kit

Keep New Movers Engaged

Did you know 7 in 10 new movers wish they had more resources to help them during the moving process? According to, moving is one of the top five most stressful events people go through. Anyone who has moved can attest that there seems to be an endless list of things to do. This is why it’s important to send multiple correspondences for at least 6 months to a year after consumers have moved. This builds brand recognition and keeps your company front of mind for when a service or purchase need arises. 

Leverage New Mover Marketing the Right Way for Customer Acquisition and Retention

While direct mail certainly has its place in engaging with new movers, by the time most consumers have moved into their new homes, direct mail campaigns may be reaching them too late.

That’s because almost three-quarters (72%) of new movers are making major purchase decisions before the move. Reaching this audience early on and throughout the move journey is critical to the success of your customer acquisition and retention efforts.

Porch Group Media has organized the move journey into four key phases.

  • Possible movers: Homeowners or renters actively researching move-related products and services. They are browsing for moving companies, home improvement services, mortgages, and realtors but do not have a home listed for sale.
  • Likely movers: Homeowners who have their home listed but are not definitively moving. These consumers are researching move-related products and services and are open to trying new brands during this time.
  • Verified pre-movers: Homebuyers who have a home under contract or in inspection and are in the moving or financing process. These movers are browsing and purchasing home and move-related products and services.
  • Postmovers: Homebuyer or renter who has completed the move. These movers are settling in and are making purchases for their new homes within the first 12 months of moving.

Deploy Effective New Mover Marketing Campaigns

With 90% of new movers willing to try new brands, this segment is incredibly dynamic with a high propensity to break brand loyalties and establish new ones. As a result, leverage new mover marketing to strengthen your customer acquisition and retention strategies.

While traditional new marketing reaches new movers once they’ve already moved into their new homes, your acquisition and retention goals require you to reach them much earlier. That’s where MoverTech can help – our proprietary suite of new mover audience and marketing solutions.

The solution is fueled by Porch technology, a provider of software and services to home service companies. Through these companies, Porch gains early access to homebuyers, seeing 90+% of all U.S. moves per year. This proprietary source of information is combined with Porch Group Media’s rich foundation of marketing data and insights to form the MoverTech suite.

Targeting new movers offers valuable customer acquisition and retention opportunities. With MoverTech’s proprietary data and comprehensive insights across the entire mover journey, your brand’s message is guaranteed to reach the right audience, on the right channels, at the right time.

With MoverTech you can:

  • Identify your moving customers before they move with MoverMatch
  • Identify move from and to address up to 2-6 weeks before the move occurs
  • Have Insights into property data, such as the size of the home, number of bedrooms, etc
  • Identify and engage with moving consumers who are browsing for your products and services
  • Target new movers with omnichannel and digital programs throughout the entire move journey

New Mover Marketing Case Study

So, just how well does new mover marketing work? We recently worked with a nationally recognized home improvement retailer to expand and monetize its pre-mover audience. By engaging movers earlier in the process by tapping into pre-mover insights, this retailer uncovered a moving signal a month earlier than typical, representing a significant opportunity to engage with movers when they’re actually in the market for many products.

movertech case study home retail

New Mover Marketing Solutions

Are you ready to start tuning new movers into new customers? Our audience and marketing solutions help you reach them faster than your competition.

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