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Pet Ownership and New Movers


Pet ownership is something that is so interesting to me. Especially during the pandemic, we saw this swell of pet ownership. I think people, especially pet owners, are very passionate about their pets and very in-tune with caring for their pets. 

And when they move, it’s one of the first things they need to align, which is where am I going to get my pet supplies? Who’s my new vet in the area? Do I need a new groomer or is it even still convenient? If you’re moving in the town where you were before, is it still convenient to use those same services? Or do you need to establish all new services? And certainly, if you’re moving to a new city, you’re going to be establishing all these new services. 

Let’s not forget about pet pharmaceuticals and pet insurance. It was just some of this data that was astounding to me about homeowners and how many homeowners have pets. I then pause for a minute and I thought about my own neighborhood.  I even just went around the twelve homes that are on my street and I think 10 of the 12 have pets.

And so pets are such a dominant thing for consumer goods. And this slide especially was interesting to me. I’ve seen a lot of surveys and a lot of data on homeowners and moving and the pet thing hasn’t come up before. So we wanted to include this today because I think it’s such an interesting niche. 

David, have you seen other similar data around this?


Pets are absolutely very much a part of the family. If you’re moving into a new place, whether you’re renting a new place or buying a new place, and you have dogs or cats, it’s absolutely a critical thing that you need to anticipate. They are definitely part of the family. And so, you see 78% of our new movers are pet owners.

Dog owners are top of the list, which, again, I think, is not surprising, But this is absolutely a very serious thing for a lot of households, a lot of families. And I think this was an important addition to the project this year.

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