
Larisa Bedgood
In-Market Car Shoppers
Identifying and reaching consumers who are actively shopping and in-market for a vehicle is crucial for automotive brands. A dealership for example may know who its ideal audience is but finding them is not as easy. A study by IAB conducted in 2014 revealed that at the time, 14% of US adults were planning to...
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Digital marketing
Digital technologies play an ever-increasing role in our daily lives. Companies must follow suit to provide consumers with the digitally-connected experiences they expect. Digital transformation takes commitment but it is no longer an option for brands who want to stay competitive.  Consumers will simply turn away from companies that aren’t keeping pace in favor of...
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omnichannel experience
Many organizations have implemented some type of omnichannel engagement strategy to connect with today’s consumers.  However, connecting offline and online experiences continues to be a major focus in 2017 with many brands trying to bridge the disconnect in order to deliver more seamless experiences. According to a recently released study from the Chief Marketing Officer Council,...
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Consumer Personalization
Consumer demand for more seamless experiences is driving increased adoption of personalization strategies. However, only 45% of marketers agree that they’re getting personalization right. This is according to new research from Evergage which also indicated that personalization channels and experiences remain limited. According to the research, the majority of experiences that marketers are personalizing include...
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Mover Marketing
According to the US Census Bureau, 11.2 percent of the population moved between 2015 and 2016.  The average American household moves every five to seven years with an average of moving twelve times during their lifetime. Households on the move spend approximately $9,000 on goods and services. And research by Zillow found that 21 percent...
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Car Buyer's Journey
How Marketers Are Responding to Connectivity and Transformation in the Automotive Industry Connectivity and digitalization are the number one key trend disrupting the automotive business.  According to KPMG’s Global Executive Survey, executives ranked connectivity and digitalization as the #1 key disrupter for the industry until 2025, up from the #10 spot last year. OEMS will...
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Email Marketing
Email, like every marketing channel, has undergone major transformations over the years.  Yet for those companies who are keeping up with the email revolution, email marketing brings in a hefty ROI. According to Econsultancy, email marketing was ranked as the best channel in terms of ROI (68%), an increase of 3% from last year. The same study found that,...
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Personalize Customer Touchpoints
Marketers today are wasting a lot of dollars by not knowing their customers.  According to research by Janrain and Blue Research, 96% of consumers say they receive mistargeted information or promotions. The repercussions can be costly, resulting in lost customers and a big hit to the bottom line. According to the research, consumers stated that...
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Online Personalized Experiences
People are living their lives online more so than ever before.  From shopping, researching, dating, socializing, reading news, and staying connected to the world around them, online interconnectivity is now the new norm.  With so much activity taking place in the digital sphere, the goal of every e-commerce site is to capitalize on opportunities and...
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customer journey
Today, the relationship customers build with a company is far from linear. They research and connect with your business many times, across different devices and touchpoints.  Marketers must manage and automate engagement with consumers uniquely at every touch point, based on each individual’s behavior. Each phase of the customer life cycle is unique and presents...
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