50 Marketing Trends & Strategies You Need to Know in 2024

Technological advancements and evolving customer expectations are challenging marketers to test new strategies and explore new channels this year.

We’ve compiled 50 statistics highlighting the latest marketing trends and strategies for 2024.

Table of Contents

2024 Email Marketing Trends and Strategies

Email marketing remains one of the most powerful tools in a marketer’s arsenal with its ability to deliver personalized content directly to a subscriber’s inbox. It is also one of the most cost-effective channels, delivering a high return on investment.

In 2024, brands should concentrate on enhancing their email marketing strategies by integrating advanced analytics and AI-driven tools to further personalize communications and predict consumer behavior more accurately.

Brands will also need to stay informed about evolving data protection regulations to ensure compliance while maintaining customer trust.

1. Segmented emails drive 30% more opens and 50% more clickthroughs than unsegmented ones (HubSpot State of Marketing Report, 2023)

2. Using customers’ names in email copy is the most common strategy marketers use to personalize their marketing emails. (MailJet, 2023).

3. 47% of email recipients say they open an email based on the subject line alone, and 69% mark an email as spam based on the subject line alone. (OptinMonster, 2023).

4. The open rate for e-mails with a personalized message was 18.8%, as compared to 13.1% without any personalization. (Source: Statista)

5. 95% of marketers who use generative AI for email creation rate it as “effective,” and 54% rate it as “very effective” (HubSpot State of Generative AI Report, 2023).

6. 62% of marketers leverage dynamic content to personalize their email marketing campaigns. (Search Engine Land)

7. Message personalization is the number one tactic used by email marketers to improve performance. (HubSpot)

8. 83% of consumers stated that they prefer to receive hyper-personalized marketing messages. (Message Gears)

9. Constant Contact surveyed small business owners and found that 49% do not use email marketing data to assist with their email marketing campaigns because they do not know where to begin. (Constant Contact)

10. More than half (51%) of online shoppers in the US prefer email channel vs. other options (in-app notifications, SMS, and push notifications) to receive discounts. (eMarketer)

2024 Advertising Trends and Strategies

Paid advertising is a great strategy for boosting visibility and attracting new customers across a variety of channels and platforms, such as social media, search, and CTV (Connected TV).

As brands navigate the advertising landscape in 2024, they should focus on leveraging data-driven insights to optimize their ad spend and improve targeting precision. Embracing emerging technologies like AI for real-time ad customization and predictive analytics can also enhance campaign effectiveness.

With the increasing importance of privacy and user consent, brands must prioritize transparent practices and consent-based marketing to build trust and sustain customer engagement.

11. Global digital ad spend will increase 8.4% in 2024, reaching over $526 billion. (eMarketer)

12. 22% of marketers use display ads as part of their marketing strategy. (HubSpot Marketing Strategy Report, 2024)

13. Nine out of ten dollars spent on display advertising in the United States are allocated using programmatic buying. (Statista, 2023)

14. Video ad spending is projected to reach over $191 billion in 2024 and more than $240 billion by 2028 (Statista, 2024).

15. 92% of video marketers report that video advertising provides a good ROI. (Wyzowl, 2023)

16. Connected TV (CTV) is the fastest-growing major ad channel in the US of all the formats we track. It’s projected to grow 22.4% to reach a total of $30.10 billion in 2024. (eMarketer, 2024)

17. Media research firm CoLab Media Consulting found that more marketers are investing in CTV advertising because:

  • 46% say it offers advanced audience targeting opportunities.
  • 45% say CTV advertising improves ad spend efficiency.
  • 43% say it’s proven to drive higher ad conversions.

2024 Social Media Marketing Trends and Strategies

Social media continues to evolve as a dominant force in marketing, with platforms constantly introducing innovative features to enhance user engagement and advertiser value.

In 2024, brands are tapping into advanced analytics and machine learning tools to refine their social media strategies, ensuring content resonates more deeply with targeted demographics. Content such as stories and live broadcasts are great ways to encourage real-time engagement and allow brands the opportunity to be more authentic and timely.

Additionally, the integration of e-commerce features directly within social platforms has made social media not just a marketing tool but a direct sales channel, significantly altering consumer purchase behaviors.

18. In 2024, there are estimated to be 5.17 billion total social media users worldwide, with an average person using 6.7 different social networks per month. (Statista, 2024)

19. Social media advertising spend is projected to reach $219.8 billion in 2024, with mobile generating $255.8 billion of this total by 2028. (Datareportal, 2024)

20. TikTok is the fastest-growing platform with a staggering 100% user growth rate between 2020 and 2022. And between Q3 2022 and Q3 2023, TikTok’s monthly active users grew 13%. (Datareportal, 2024)

21. Facebook is the most-used platform by marketers worldwide (89%). Instagram sits in second place (80%). (Statista)

22. TikTok is the most frequently used app worldwide, with Android phone users spending an average of  34 hours per month on the platform. (Datareportal, 2024)

23. Video content continues to be popular, with 44% of people preferring to learn about new products through short video content and 87% of marketers reporting increased sales from video marketing. (Sprout Social, 2024)

24. Short-form video offers marketers the highest ROI of any social media marketing strategy, with 30-60 videos seeing the most success. (Sprout Social, 2024)

25. In the US, social commerce retail earnings are predicted to reach nearly $80 billion by 2025. (Insider Intelligence)

26. Around 84% of consumers search for brands on social media before making a purchase. (Wifi Talents)

27. 67% of consumers have made purchases through social media platforms. (Wunderman Thompson)

28. People who have already made a social commerce purchase are 2X more likely to buy from a brand they’ve never heard of before than those who haven’t. (Accenture)

29. 11% of social media users immediately make an online purchase after discovering a product, while 44% purchase later. (Statista)

30. 54% of Gen Z shoppers and 58% of Millennials agree that social platforms are better than online searches for new products. (Statista)

2024 Influencer Marketing Trends and Strategies

Influencer marketing continues to grow in 2024, as brands increasingly recognize the value of partnering with social media influencers to reach targeted audiences authentically.

This year, there is a notable shift towards long-term collaborations instead of one-off campaigns. Micro and nano-influencers are gaining traction due to their higher engagement rates and niche audiences, making them a great choice for highly effective targeted campaigns.

Additionally, transparency and authenticity have become critical as consumers demand greater sincerity in promotional content, prompting brands and influencers to disclose partnerships more openly and create content that truly resonates with audiences.

31. The influencer marketing industry is set to grow to approximately $24 Billion by the end of 2024. (Influencer Marketing Hub)

32. 63% plan to use AI in executing their influencer campaigns, 55% of these brands will use AI for influencer identification. (Influencer Marketing Hub)

33. There is a strong preference for working with small (nano – 44% and micro – 26%) influencers ahead of expensive macro-influencers (17%) and celebrities (13%). (Influencer Marketing Hub)

34. 50.1% of marketers believe TikTok offers the highest ROI to influencer marketers for short-form video content, followed by 29.9% of marketers saying Instagram Reels and 12% saying YouTube Shorts. (Influencer Marketing Hub)

35. 69% of marketers use TikTok for influencer marketing, making it the most popular influencer marketing channel. (Sprout Social)

36. Generating more engagement, reaching new audiences and strengthening community are the top three marketing goals for working with creators. (Sprout Social)

2024 Direct Mail Trends and Strategies

Direct mail continues to hold a unique position in marketing strategies, blending traditional tactics with modern technology to enhance personalization and measurement. Enhanced data analytics and segmentation tools have enabled marketers to tailor their messages more precisely.

Additionally, integration with digital campaigns such as through QR codes allows for a seamless multi-channel experience that boosts engagement.

37. 64% of consumers say direct mail has inspired them to take action such as visiting a website, heading to a physical location, or making a purchase. (Lob, 2023)

38. Marketers also cite the effectiveness of direct mail, with 74% of marketers saying direct mail delivers the highest response, conversion, and ROI of any channel they use. (Lob, 2023)

39. 68% of consumers are more likely to engage with a message/communication from brands personalized to them. Over half (55%) of consumers expect direct mail to be personalized for them. (Lob, 2023)

40. Images of items or services previously purchased were the most appealing to recipients, according to 43% of the survey’s respondents. (Lob, 2023)

41. According to Lob’s research, the majority of consumers read direct mail almost immediately.

  • 71% reported they read direct mail the same day they bring it inside their residence.
  • 78% of ages 55+, report they read direct mail the same day they bring it inside their residence.
  • 58% keep direct mail for less than two days.
  • Almost 1 in 4 of those 18-24 keep their direct mail for two days but less than five days.

2024 AI in Marketing Trends and Strategies

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in marketing has taken a significant leap forward in 2024, as more companies harness its capabilities to optimize campaigns, personalize customer interactions, and predict consumer behaviors.

This year, AI-driven content generation and automated decision-making are streamlining operations and enhancing creativity, allowing brands to produce highly relevant and engaging content at scale.

Machine learning algorithms are also improving real-time bidding strategies in digital advertising to ensure more efficient targeting and budgeting.

42. 50% of marketers believe that insufficient adoption of AI inhibits them from achieving their goals (MailChimp)

43. 88% of marketers believe that to stay competitive and meet their customer’s expectations, they must implement AI technology (MailChimp)

44. 68% of marketers are currently utilizing AI in their daily tasks and work (MarketingHire)

45. 23% of marketing professionals use AI at their organization (IBM)

46. By 2028, AI in marketing is estimated to value more than 107.5 billion dollars (Statista)

47. 26% of B2B marketers who applied chatbots in their marketing activities saw a 10-20% increase in leads (Statista)

48. 44% of marketers apply AI to content production (Influencer Marketing Hub)

49. 43% of American marketers indicated that chatbots helped educate prospective customers (Statista)

50. 26% of organizations today use AI to assist with their marketing and sales (IBM)

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