1st Party Data: How to Navigate the Consumer Privacy Landscape

Digital marketing has undergone significant changes in recent years, driven by concerns about consumer privacy and the impending deprecation of third-party cookies. These changes have reshaped how businesses collect, manage, and utilize data for marketing purposes.

Amid this transformation, first-party data has emerged as a powerful tool for brands to maintain effective marketing strategies while respecting consumer privacy.

Read on to learn about the implications of cookie deprecation and how leveraging first-party data helps drive success in the new digital landscape.

The Scoop on Cookie Deprecation

Cookies, small pieces of data stored on users’ browsers, have long been the basis of online tracking and advertising. They enable marketers to gather information about user behavior, preferences, and interests, facilitating targeted advertising campaigns. However, mounting concerns about data privacy and transparency have prompted major web browsers to phase out support for third-party cookies.

In the second half of 2024, Google Chrome will phase out cookies, joining Apple’s Safari and Mozilla’s Firefox, which now block third-party cookies by default. The deprecation of third-party cookies means that businesses can no longer rely on these trackers to gather user data across different websites. While this shift aligns with a growing emphasis on consumer privacy, it presents a challenge for marketers who depend on these cookies for audience targeting and ad personalization.

Respecting Consumer Privacy is Paramount

Consumer privacy is at the forefront of this shift. Users are increasingly aware of the data they share online and the potential risks associated with it. As a result, stringent privacy laws have been introduced, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), to protect consumer data rights.

In this climate, businesses must not only comply with these regulations but also prioritize transparency, consent, and data security to build and maintain trust with their audiences. Failing to do so can lead to reputational damage and legal consequences.

The Power of First-Party Data in 2024 and Beyond

Amidst these changes, first-party data has emerged as a valuable asset for businesses. First-party data is information collected directly from users through their interactions with a brand. This data is willingly provided by users and generally offers a higher degree of accuracy and reliability compared to third-party data.

First-party data offers many benefits, including improved personalization, audience segmentation, and customer trust. And because first-party data is proprietary, businesses have full ownership and control, reducing reliance on external data providers and minimizing data privacy risks.

Types of First-Party Data

Here are some common types of first-party data:

Demographic Data

Information such as age, gender, marital status, and income level provides a basic understanding of a user’s demographic profile. This data helps tailor marketing messages to specific audience segments.

Behavioral Data

Behavioral data encompasses how users interact with a brand’s digital assets. This includes website visits, page views, time spent on website, click-through rates, and product or content interactions. Understanding user behavior is crucial for optimizing user experiences and conversion paths.

Transactional Data

This data category includes purchase history, order value, frequency of purchases, and product preferences. Transactional data helps businesses identify high-value customers, recommend relevant products, and create loyalty programs.

Location Data

Location data, including geographic information and IP addresses, enables businesses to personalize content and offers based on a user’s location. It’s particularly valuable for local businesses and those with physical storefronts.

Interaction Data

Interaction data tracks user engagement with marketing communications, such as email opens, click-through rates, and responses to calls to action (CTAs). It helps refine email marketing and outreach strategies.

Subscription and Preference Data

Some refer to this as first-party data, but technically is considered zero-party data, this includes users’ subscription preferences, including newsletter subscriptions and communication opt-ins, which offer insights into their areas of interest. This data is essential for sending targeted content and promotions.

Social Media Engagement Data

Tracking user interactions with a brand’s social media accounts provides insights into user sentiment, engagement levels, and content preferences.

Customer Feedback and Surveys

Data collected from customer feedback and surveys yields direct insights into customer satisfaction, pain points, and preferences. Businesses can use this data to improve products and services and refine marketing strategies.

App Usage Data

For businesses with mobile apps, app usage data reveals how users interact within the app. This includes features accessed, time spent, and in-app purchases, informing app optimization and user retention strategies.

Customer Support Data

Customer support interactions, including chat logs and support ticket data, provide insights into common customer issues and pain points. This data helps improve customer service and develop relevant content.

Website Registration Data

Data collected during user registration, such as usernames, email addresses, and profile information, can be used to personalize user experiences and offer targeted content or promotions.

Content Engagement Data

Analyzing which content users engage with the most, such as blog articles, videos, or infographics, helps optimize content marketing efforts and create more of what resonates with the audience.

First-Party Data Collection: Transparency is Key

To harness the power of first-party data effectively, implement clear and user-friendly data collection mechanisms, ensuring users understand how their data will be used and granting them control over their preferences. Consumers are more likely to share data if organizations are transparent about how it’s being used or if they’re offered something valuable in exchange. In fact, 64% of U.S. consumers say they’d provide their email address for a $20 discount and 31% would share their full name.


Cookie deprecation and heightened privacy concerns are driving significant changes in how businesses approach data collection and marketing. Prioritizing consumer privacy and leveraging the power of first-party data are essential strategies for navigating this new terrain successfully. By adopting transparent data practices, respecting user consent, and harnessing first-party data effectively, businesses can continue to deliver personalized and engaging experiences while building trust with their audiences in a privacy-conscious era.

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