Why You Should Invest in Mover Marketing Today

The key to a successful marketing campaign is a targeted audience. Understanding your ideal customer’s demographics, preferences, lifestyle, life events, shopping behaviors, and other important insights allows you to craft an effective campaign message that reaches them on the right channels at the right time.

A valuable audience across industries that’s often overlooked are movers. Movers represent a whopping $170 billion audience and spend an average of $11,000 per move. This makes moving one of the most economically impactful life triggers and a lucrative opportunity for brands to establish new customer relationships.

Mover Marketing Has Been Reinvented

Moving is no small feat and requires consumers to make several major purchase decisions for their new home. Consumers spend hours online researching a plethora of products and services, posting on social media for recommendations, and checking out customer reviews to explore their options.

While traditional mover marketing primarily used direct mail or stagnant email lists to reach movers, these methods alone are simply not enough today. In order to reach movers at the right times on the right channels, marketers need deeper insights, dynamic data, and omnichannel campaigns. For decades, mover marketing was unable to accomplish this, until now.

MoverTech is a solution fueled by Porch technology, who provides software and solutions to home services providers such as home inspection and moving companies. Through these companies, Porch gains early access to homebuyers, seeing 80% of all houses bought in the U.S. per year. This proprietary source of information is combined with Porch Group Media’s rich foundation of marketing data and insight to form the MoverTech suite of mover marketing data and technology solutions. Marketers are now able to target consumers with omnichannel and digital programs the moment a home is placed on the market – when consumers are making their most valuable purchase decisions.

Are you ready to invest in mover marketing? Download our MoverTech mover marketing solutions overview below to get started!

Related Reading: 3 Steps to Turn New Movers Into Customers

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