Velocity Enhancements December 2022 Update

Several times each month, Velocity users may notice a prompt to update their software as our development team continues to enhance the software. The updates include bug fixes, performance enhancements, and new features!

Below is a list of some of the new features that are coming very soon, or have already been added in the last couple of months!

Highlights of New Functionality

The Condition Node

A new Journey Wait node has been added which allows you to set a condition to be met before Contacts can continue through a journey. You also set a time limit for when the condition must be met by and if it is not, the contact is sent through the ‘No’ connector, if they meet the condition they are sent through the ‘Yes’ connector.

There are many use cases for this new node. Here are just a couple of examples –

  • Sending a second reminder if a Contact has not renewed a subscription x days after their first notification
  • Sending a discount code if a customer makes a second booking or purchase within a given timescale.

Archiving Improvements

We have added new capability to make archiving journeys more user-friendly. Now when archiving your most recent journey iteration you will be given the option to archive just the latest or all iterations.

Dependency Checker

Dependency Checker has been added to the Console in the Desktop Application. This not only checks whether a column has other dependent columns but also lists whether the column is used in any Postcard or Hive email Merge Tags, Master Merge Tags, Audiences, Journeys, or documents.

The Console now has a second ‘Dependency Checker’ tab, with a simple drop-down to select a column from the database tree.

Once your column is selected you can then press ‘Check’ and all dependents of that column will be listed.

This is a really useful tool for optimizing your databases and checking whether, for example, columns that are taking a long time to build are really required.

Online Email Editor

If you’re using the Online Email Editor to create creatives for Journeys, and deploying the emails using the SendGrid email channel, there are several

Key New Features

1. Undo and change history buttons

2. Mobile-specific design mode

3. Dark mode preview

4. Free stock photo gallery in file manager, with 500,000 images

5. New content blocks

  • Icons
  • Paragraph
  • Spacer
  • Title
  • List

Recent Changes/Updates

Version 2022.11 Release 4 (2022.11.27.6574)

Version 2022.11 Release 3 (2022.11.20.6527)

Version 2022.11 Release 2 (2022.11.10.6480)

Version 2022.11 Release 1 (2022.11.03.3834)

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