Porch Group Media Solutions Prove Value on the COVID-19 Battlefront

Nothing is more urgent right now than containing the spread of the COVID-19 virus and distributing information about where to find help. Clients have turned to Porch Group Media, their trusted data partner, for proven solutions to reach their audiences.  Here’s how Porch Group Media is helping the fight:

  • Patients are often tested in overcrowded and chaotic situations, and when they provide their contact information, it’s too easy for errors to happen.  Porch Group Media’s consumer data is working behind the scenes to help one state validate/update contact information to ensure critical test results are communicated quickly.
  • All of us need to stay home and maintain social distance. Getting the word out about medical, food, and other critical resources helps people follow these critical guidelines. Porch Group Media’s consumer data is behind a program to get that information out quickly via calls, texts, and emails.

If you want to learn how Porch Group Media’s products and services can help your brand win the fight against COVID-19, please contact us at info@porchgroupmedia.com or complete the form below.

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