Porch Group Media Lends “Helping Hands” at Beach Clean Up to Support the Gateway National Recreation Area

Our Matawan, NJ team recently headed to the beaches to participate in a beach clean-up on the bay side of Sandy Hook. The team participated through the National Park Service’s Volunteer-In-Parks Program which hosts a variety of ways to get involved and support the Gateway National Recreation Area.

The Gateway National Recreation Area includes three geographic units: Sandy Hook, New Jersey; Jamaica Bay and Staten Island, New York City. The NYC units include Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, Fort Tilden, Riis Park in Queens, Floyd Bennett Field and Canarsie Pier in Brooklyn. Staten Island has Great Kills Park, Miller Field and Fort Wadsworth. These sites and others make up the 27,000 acres of Gateway, one national park.

Volunteers serve many important roles throughout Gateway. They staff information desks, give public tours, monitor and conserve the park’s diverse natural and cultural resources, help design exhibits and brochures and rehabilitate historic aircraft, among other duties. Their support helps protect, preserve and enhance Gateway’s natural, cultural and recreational resources.

Each of the the Porch Group Media team members hauled in a full bag of trash during the beach clean-up! Check out our pictures from the event.

Porch Group Media Helping Hands
Porch Group Media Helping Hands
Porch Group Media Helping Hands
Porch Group Media Helping Hands
Porch Group Media Helping Hands
Porch Group Media Helping Hands
Porch Group Media Helping Hands
Helping Hands Porch Group Media

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