The 2022 Marketer’s Perspective on Mover Marketing Research

Porch Group Media recently launched the 2022 Marketer’s Perspective on Mover Marketing Report, which explores how brands are utilizing mover marketing strategies to increase their customer acquisition and retention.

The report was conducted in conjunction with Ascend2, who ran an online study in February and March 2022 of over 250 marketing professionals working for enterprise organizations in the B2C channel.

Key findings from the report include:

  • Who is using mover marketing strategies? Just over one-quarter (28%) of organizations have a mover marketing strategy in place and measurable and another 26% are currently rolling out a strategy.
  • Improving customer acquisition and retention. In the past year, mover marketing users have seen significant increases in both customer retention and customer acquisition compared to non-users.
  • Budgets are going toward movers. 35% of mover marketing users who have the most successful overall marketing strategies dedicate more than 20% of their marketing budget to mover marketing programs.
  • Mover marketing makes an impact. Nearly half of mover marketing users say that mover marketing has a significant impact on overall marketing performance, rating it an eight or higher on a scale of one to ten.
  • Pre-move indicators boost success. Those with a mover marketing program in place who have access to pre-move indicators as a part of their program have significantly more success.
mover marketing b2b report

Download the free 2022 Marketer’s Perspective on Mover Marketing Report.

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