2022 New Movers: Top Enticements Driving Purchase Decisions

For some, research for a big purchase and shopping for all the extras is exciting. For some, it’s daunting. When deciding how to market products and services to new movers, it’s important to know how and when to target new movers throughout each stage of the moving journey.

Research Methods

We’ve uncovered the research methods and enticements driving purchase decisions for new movers in our 2022 New Mover Trends Report. Let’s unpack it a bit more.

Online, online, online! More than three in five new movers pay for items using online methods and heavily rely on information found online. In fact, 50% said that they research online before any other form of research. In addition, 36% said that looking at customer reviews was important, and an equal amount said that recommendations from family, friends, or neighbors was a key factor in their hunt for goods and services before, during, or after their move. Add online ads and online forums or groups, and it’s safe to say that most research and shopping is done online – regardless of if the purchase is made or not. Whether it’s the first impression or the final sale, having an online presence is an important part of generating business.

Source: 2022 New Mover Trends Report by Porch Group Media

Enticement to Try New Brands

A good recommendation goes a long way. Getting a good review or recommendation from someone you know and trust checks a lot of boxes when deciding who to hire or what to purchase. While getting recommendations from family, friends, or neighbors will always be an important form of research, in the digital age, these word-of-mouth recommendations are easily seen by the masses in online reviews. In fact, 56% of new movers said that good reviews were key, and sometimes deciding factor of who to hire or what to buy. Online research and shopping have also made it easier than ever to find competitive pricing and compare brands virtually side by side. More than half of new movers said that this was a key reason they went with a brand they may not have known about or had time to shop around for before.

It’s no surprise that nearly half of new movers also said that discounts or coupons were also an enticing factor in their research. Of the study, 23% said that being contacted by a brand with an advertisement intrigued them to investigate the product or service further.

Source: 2022 New Mover Trends Report by Porch Group Media

What This Means for Marketers

With new mover shopping methods leaning heavily toward online shopping, it’s clear that a robust digital presence is an important part of marketing for any business. Research shows 41% of new movers are shopping and purchasing online and opting for delivery of items to their homes. On top of that, 21% of new movers are shopping and purchasing online and picking up at the store. This gives us a multitude of data and behavioral information to help target new and complementary ads for these consumers.

Proprietary New Mover Audience & Marketing Solutions

At Porch Group Media, we understand new movers: who they are, what they’re shopping for, and how to target them. Our new mover audiences are enhanced with rich insights into consumer preferences, lifestyles, interests, property data, and billions of purchase intent signals for unparalleled insights. Contact us today to learn how we can help you start turning new movers into new customers.

Download the 2022 New Mover Trends Report

Download the 2022 New Mover Trends Report to explore the state of today’s new movers and uncover valuable opportunities to reach this lucrative audience of in-market shoppers.

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