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*This content has been adapted from our full-length Movers and Shakers podcast, Position Your Business For The Future: The Rise Of CTV.


For these big brands you have hundreds of millions of dollars of TV advertising that they’re investing versus small brands who really might be in the tens of millions and linear can be so expensive. And when you have your president breathing down your neck on a cost per lead and cost per sale basis, it’s hard to measure. It’s hard to really say what return am I getting.

But CTV introduces us into a different realm with investment and return. Tell us about the advantages of CTV.


Well to start with, we at Strategus are big fans of finding strategic certainty. So what are the trends that are guaranteed to happen? Those usually find us through technology and demographics, neither of which go backwards.

So, that 34% number there, on the upper right is guaranteed to grow. And that’s partly because pretty much any linear household now, not 100%, but close to 100%, also have streaming.

But the reverse is not true. As people are cutting cords, they don’t also have linear.

And streaming comes through multiple devices which is the other point that we talked about earlier. But the other piece is demographics and when you look at, Gen Z and the millennials are the two largest generation in history.

And if you look at their streaming numbers, they’re very, very high. And with linear, you’d expect them to be older audiences. So with all of that, that streaming number is guaranteed to grow. So as you’re planning your strategy for the future, you have to factor that in.

Download the Connected TV Success Kit

Download the Connected TV Success Kit to learn what exactly CTV is, how it works, the benefits of advertising on this channel, and how to set up your campaigns for success with the latest tips and strategies.

Connected TV

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