Exclusive property & consumer data solutions

Only Available from Porch

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The difference is in Porch data

Home Factors from Porch Group Media offers proprietary first-party data on the interior and exterior of all U.S. homes. Our exclusive property data is combined with hundreds of consumer insights to advance your targeting to a new level of precision.

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Reach homeowners who are actively shopping for the exact products and services you offer

Available Home Factor Categories

  • Roof Repair or Replacement
  • Window Repair or Replacement
  • Foundation Type & Defects
  • Evidence of Water Intrusion
  • Presence of Swimming Pool
  • Status of Electrical Systems & Insights

+ many more factors coming soon

Property Owner Data Insights

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Exclusive interior and exterior property insights
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Over 200+ attributes on 220+MM consumers
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Contact information, demographics, lifestyle, purchase behavior, and more
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Modeled consumer segments
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Active shopping audiences
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Multi-sourced data with confidence scoring system