Porch Group Media Recognized by Truthset for Demonstrating a History of Highly Accurate Data Across Key Categories

Porch Group Media is pleased to be ranked highly in key categories by data intelligence company Truthset, in their Q3 2022 Data Quality Truthscore™ Report.

What categories did Porch Group Media rank highly in?

  • Car Manufacturer
  • Car Owner
  • Luxury vs. Standard Car
  • Household Income plus Presence of Children
  • Household Income
  • Home: Home Renter
  • Language Spoken
  • Pets: Pet Owner
  • Race/Ethnicity: African American
  • Race/Ethnicity: Asian
  • Race/Ethnicity: White

What is Truthset?

Truthset is a data intelligence company focused exclusively on validating the accuracy of consumer data. The company helps brands build trust in data and improve the performance of any data-driven decision.

Truthset assigns vendor’s attributes a Truthscore™ Index, which is a measure of a single provider’s overall data quality within a given attribute segment, relative to the entire cohort of data providers for the same segment. This intelligence provides marketers with knowledge from an independent third party regarding the accuracy of consumer data sets available in the market and enables buyers and sellers of data to transact with more confidence and transparency.

What does this mean for the quality of Porch Group Media’s data?

In short, this means that Porch Group Media is a top-ranked data provider, ensuring brands are working with high quality data to most effectively identify, segment, and engage consumers. 

Highlights from Truthset’s Q3 2022 Truthscore Index and Rankings report:

Porch Group Media has demonstrated a history of highly accurate data for the following attributes:  (Truthscore Indices of 100+ for at least the third consecutive quarter)

  • Household Income and Household Income paired with Presence of Children insights received a Truthscore index of 110 and 103, and rank #4 and #6 respectively.
  • Race/Ethnicity attributes: Porch Group Media continues to over-index for all race/ethnicity attributes, including Asian, African American, Hispanic, and White
  • Car-related attributes: Porch Group Media has over-indexed for all car-related attributes. In particular, car ownership maintained the #2 rank in Q3 ‘22.
  • Pets: Pet Ownership receives a Truthscore Index of 104, which corresponds to rank #4 this quarter.
  • Homeowner and Home Renter: Porch Group Media continues to receive a Truthscore Index of 100 for both these categories.
  • Language Spoken: In the category of English vs Spanish, Porch Group Media consistently receives a Truthscore Index over 100.

Data privacy is very much top of mind for consumers today and they are increasingly demanding transparency in how companies are using and sourcing their personal information. As the industry moves towards an increasingly consumer-centric privacy environment, we are thrilled to be working with Truthset who is setting the gold standard in data quality and transparency for our industry.

– Michelle Taves, CEO, Porch Group Media, a Porch Company

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