Top 13 Reasons for Moving in 2021

Americans move more frequently than people in almost every other place in the world. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the average person in the United States moves residences more than 11 times in his or her lifetime.

So why do people move? According to the 2021 New Mover Trends Report from Porch Group Media, Americans moved for numerous reasons. However, upsizing to a bigger home topped the list for 35% of new movers. Check out the full list below:

  1. Upsizing to a bigger home
  2. To be closer to family
  3. To move to a safer neighborhood
  4. Family size is growing (e.g., expecting a baby)
  5. Relocating for a new job
  6. Remote work provides me the flexibility to work from anywhere
  7. To move to an area with less/fewer COVID-19 cases
  8. To move in with partner/spouse
  9. Family size is reducing (e.g., child(ren) have moved out)
  10. Downsizing to a smaller home
  11. Recently got married
  12. Recently retired
  13. Recently got divorced

Like what you are reading? Download your free copy of the New Mover Trends Report here!

Related Article: Top 10 States Americans Moved to in 2021.

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