New Mover Marketing Solutions for Solar Energy Providers

According to U.S. Census data, almost 30 million people moved in 2020, and this trend seems to be continuing with 2021, marking the year for a massive influx of first-time home buyers. The move is one of the most economically impactful life triggers, with moving consumers spending more than $11,000 on average per move on a variety of items and services.

Most notably, today’s new movers are prioritizing solar energy as a top item and service to spend on. New research from the Porch Group Media & Porch 2021 New Mover Trends Report reveals that new movers are purchasing solar prior to moving, indicating that solar providers need to reach new movers much earlier than they may have originally thought. As a result, solar energy providers need to be reaching new movers throughout the entire move journey to ensure the success of their customer acquisition and retention efforts.

Watch this short video to learn more about today’s new movers and how solar energy providers can identify and engage with them to attract and retain customers.

Leveraging MoverTech to Power Your New Mover Marketing Campaigns

For years, mover marketing hasn’t changed – little differentiation between vendors, few insights into premove indicators, and a focus on direct mail channels. MoverTech is a new generation of mover marketing. The solution is fueled by Porch technology, who provides software and services to home services providers. Key components include:

  • Reach new movers before anyone else – Identify moving consumers 2-6 weeks before they move
  • Insights to 90+% of all U.S. moves per year
  • Deep consumer insights and hundreds of offline and online data sources connected to mover profile to provide 360 degree view of new movers.
  • Target new movers with precision no matter where they are in the move journey
  • Know when your customers are moving so you can retain them at their new location
  • Data science determines what new movers are most likely to purchase from you and when

New Mover Trends Report from Porch Group Media

Want more of the latest insights on today’s new movers? The 2021 New Mover Trends Report from Porch and Porch Group Media explores the profile of today’s new movers and provides valuable insights into movers’ life events, spending behaviors, attitudes about moving, and much more. Download your free copy here!

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