Porch Group Media: Omnichannel Data to Fuel Rich Customer Insights at Speed and Scale

The Porch Group Media CDP Brings it All Together. Omnichannel Marketing, Now in Your Hands.

Robust, Rapid Data Integration. One Seamless Customer View.

Integrate 1st and 3rd party data to know your customers, develop actionable insights and deploy unified customer journeys

Consumers produce mountains of data everyday as they shop across a myriad of channels and devices. This data is fragmented across many systems and marketing platforms — obscuring customer behavior.

The Porch Group Media CDP harnesses the power of each of these data sources and blends it with our suite of industry-leading 3rd party data assets to create one single version of the customer truth. Get to know your customers like never before and develop actionable insights to deploy unified customer journeys – wherever and whenever your customers prefer.

Porch Group Media Velocity logo
Customer Data Platform flowchart

Two Ways to Drive ROI Today

All-In-One CDP Solution

  • Full Platform Access
  • Data Hygiene
  • Name & address standardization
  • Acquisition data
  • ROI-Driving data packages
  • Marketing execution
  • Automated email deployments via journey orchestration
  • Multi Channel Integration (SMS, Direct Mail, Ecommerce)
  • Implementation
  • Marketing partner consultancy to ensure your strategy effectiveness

Quick Start Acquisition Program

  • Target in-market shoppers
  • Quick start module, up and running in less than 2 weeks
  • Your customer data used for suppression & profiling purposes
  • Web behavior capture for ecommerce sites
  • Acquisition Data
  • Available data elements include EPostal, Signals, and New Movers data
  • Marketing execution
  • Automated email deployments via journey orchestration
  • Implementation
  • In-depth reporting and dashboards
  • Integrate Your 1st Party Data to Create a Single Customer View.

    Porch Group Media offers deep experience in 1st party data identification, unifying data around each customer so you can see, understand and act on their behavior. Data, technology and analytics are seamlessly brought together to create right time marketing insights into a 360 single customer view.

  • Enrich Your Customer View with Industry-Leading 3rd Party Data.

    Easily enrich your data with Porch Group Media’s 3rd party omnichannel data insights. Our data products seamlessly integrate into the CDP and deliver both depth and breadth covering consumer and business audiences.

  • Experience the Power of Real-Time Integrations and Data Processing.

    The Porch Group Media CDP provides real time integrations with over 500 digital technologies to make it easy to unify, manage and schedule data flows for any channel.

  • Develop Actionable Analytics on the Fly.

    Our easy-to-use graphical analytics application allows you to easily visualize your audience and identify profitable or underperforming segments. Organize your customers and prospects into groups and categories, blending the information you know about them to find hidden, untapped segments.

  • Build Powerful and Unified Customer Journeys.

    The Porch Group Media CDP helps marketers manage automated Customer Journeys that engage uniquely at every stage, based on each individual’s behavior. . Deliver relevant content, at the right time, to support your campaign and ensure they keep moving through the journey – to increase conversion rates and lifetime value.

Available Journeys

Engagement/Brand Awareness
  • Welcome
  • Birthday
  • Re-Engagement
  • Engaged Non-Buyers
  • Profile Updates
  • Abandoned Cart
  • Abandoned Browser
  • Next Best Offer
  • First Order
  • Signals intenders
  • Competition Conquests
  • Top Tier Look-alikes
  • Life Event ACQ
Nurture/Purchase Oriented
  • Nurture
  • Renewal Reminder
  • Loyalty
  • VIP
  • Thanks for Purchase
Customer Journey diagram

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3 bubbles infographic: blue red and yellow colors

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Map screen

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