We Design and Deliver Campaigns Across Channels to Your Most Valuable Prospects

Consumers research and purchase products and services across multiple channels and devices. Are you connecting with shoppers with the most relevant messaging, at the right time and through the right channels?

Porch Group Media has extensive experience, knowledge, and the tool sets to orchestrate customer interactions across all channels. Our team works with you to design creatives across direct mail, email, digital and social platforms and deploy using Velocity, our integrated marketing platform.

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Consulting and Program Strategy

Our team will work with you to understand, develop, and optimize your acquisition, upsell, and retention goals, as well as the engagement strategies necessary to achieve those goals.

Media & Campaign Packages Developed for Your Unique Goals

Target consumers using our media packages that span our private Porch media channels and digital display network, optimized by our team to ensure the highest ROAS.

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woman shopping with phone

In-Market Audiences

Our team will develop audiences based on rich foundational and intent insights to ensure you are targeting the right people at the right time in the journey. Campaigns and customer journeys can be targeted from broad segments all the way down to individuals, and the Velocity Marketing Platform automates most tasks so that marketers can spend time optimizing results vs. managing projects.


Porch Group Media’s team executes via the key channels required to drive direct and tangible results. We execute email via our own ESP, and our team delivers campaigns to market across all modes of direct mail, social and digital engagement, including programmatic advertising.

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At the onset of each campaign, measurement KPIs and reports are developed to align with your overall strategy and specific campaign objectives.

Campaign Types

We have vast experience in developing marketing campaigns that deliver scaled results. Porch Group Media can build customized campaigns including:

  • Broad acquisition
  • Signals trigger campaigns
  • Life events
  • Next best product/action based on behavior
  • Event-based
  • Offer-based
  • Defection prevention
  • Broad loyalty
  • Triggered loyalty

Marketing Campaigns & Execution

See for yourself how our team can help you boost customer acquisition and curb attrition. Contact us today!