Reach In-Market Home Retail Shoppers with Consumer Purchase Intent Solution, Porch Group Media Signals

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Power Your Results with Porch Group Media’s Best-in-Class Home Retail Intender Database

Developed over a three-year time span, Porch Group Media is proud to launch the industry’s largest and most inclusive database of in-market home-retail consumers.

Using hundreds of sources of offline and online data, best-in-class technology and analytics, and proprietary data methodology, we can connect you with consumers in the market for furniture and home retail products and services based on browsing and shopping data.

  • Reach consumers who are actively browsing online for products you sell.

    We provide massive visibility into behavioral data and searches occurring on over 90% of internet-connected devices every month.  Easily deploy digital campaigns across the internet with drag-and-drop technology or Porch Group Media will deploy for you.

  • Reach shoppers who have recently visited your store or a competitor’s location.

    Each lead includes name and address and is often enhanced with additional demographic, lifestyle and contact data.

  • Market based on lifestyle changes and trigger data such as new movers, new children and economic changes.

    Nearly three-quarters of new movers make major move related-purchases (furniture, electronics, and appliances). The target window to influence these decisions is 2 months BEFORE the move and 2 months AFTER.The key to mover marketing is delivering the right message, at the right time and through the right channel, which is why Porch Group Media provides  industry leading mover solutions  spanning the entire move cycle to make sure you don’t miss a single opportunity.

New Movers Case Study – Regional Furniture Retail Chain

“Our New Movers program is like printing money.”

  • Since inception, New Movers has contributed an incremental revenue boost of $8.2MM in sales, averaging just over $3MM per year.
  • The New Movers program acquired 2,5oo+ new customers that have accrued a combined lifetime value of $6.96MM.
  • In total, 5,298 orders are attributed to the New Movers program.


illustration of venn diagram with three people inside

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