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Target and Acquire In-Market Consumers with Porch Group Media’s Proprietary Intender Data Solution, Porch Group Media Signals

With Porch Group Media SignalsTM, you can now target and acquire actual in-market consumers during the period when they’re making a buying decision. Porch Group Media SignalsTM is a proprietary mobile solution that matches mobile devices to actual on premise shoppers.

Porch Group Media SignalsTM provides marketers with daily purchase intenders who have visited a location within the previous 24 to 48 hours. Each lead includes contact data, additional demographic data, and can be mailed, emailed or shown a targeted ad online

Purchase intender alerts

High Sales Conversions and Engagement

Signals leads have set record-highs for Porch Group Media’a automotive and retail clients, delivering 4x sales conversion rates and 3x engagement rates compared to other leading acquisition data available in the market.

Marketing Followup and Performance Measurement Services

Porch Group Media delivers marketing execution services to save you time and resources. Our marketing experts can design your creative and deploy your omnichannel campaigns which include print mail, email and digital strategies.

Marketing Insights

In addition to a daily source of in-market leads, our clients use Porch Group Media SignalsTM for a broad range of insights, including:

  • Lead enhancement
  • Marketing program performance
  • Trade area performance and insights
  • Insights into consumer brand preferences and activity
  • Identification of existing customers who may defect to another brand

Commitment to Consumer Privacy

Porch Group Media takes privacy very seriously and takes strict measures to ensure compliance with all consumer privacy laws. The data we provide adheres to all consumer permissions and consents.


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